Miranda's Quests
Quest Location: Forest of Dreams
Quests Begun From: Miranda (NPC)
- Feels like a Dream
- Give me a Ticket
- For an Elephant Ride?
- Trainers
- Tumblers!
- Head to the Midway
- Balloons
- Out of the Shadows
- Follow the Footprints
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Follow the Footprints' quest OR the 'Quite the Problem' quest at least once.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
I need to find my William, but my head is full of fog. All I have is this torn piece of ticket. If I could find the other pieces, maybe I'd remember where William has gone.
Items Required:
- Torn Paper x5
- Click the blue arrows around the map
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to Amduscia.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!