Location: MindBreaker 12K AC Shop - Book of Lore
Price: 0 AC
Sellback: 0 AC
Weapon Damage: 100%, 2.0 Speed
Description: Recommended enhancement: Wizard. You have spent years training your body to be a fighting machine but you ALSO You have honed your psychic abilities to work in unision with your weapons to create the ultimate psionic warrior! Thanks for your Membership support and enjoy your AdventureCoins!
Stat Model: Offensive Caster
Special Effects:
- Mindbreakers gains mana when they:
- Strike a enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
- Are struck by an enemy on combat
- Previously Legend only.
- Required to accept the 'Mind-Breaking It In' quest.
- Lorepedia entry.
- Class breakdown Design Notes post.
- Also see MindBreaker Armor.
Thanks to Angel Aurora, Gabrielbaran, mturf, Rezurrect, Tendou no Mazo and 1c3 r3b0rn.