Quest Location: Astravia Judgement
Quests Begun From: Mi
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Kalasutra' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Could I ask you a favor? La and Ti aren't finished teaching me how to read yet. Would you please read the names on Judgement's scroll for me? I'm curious about why some of them are crossed out with red and others are crossed out in white. Watch out for those hands trying to grab you while you're distracted.
Items Required:
- Names Read x8
- Click on the arrows around the map
- Hands Impaled x8
- Dropped by Hand
- 5,000 Gold
- 13,000 Exp
Quest Location: Astravia Judgement
Quests Begun From: Mi
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Mahapadma' quest.
This was La's home, and she wanted to return so badly. I didn't know it was because she wanted to save all of the humans that lived here too. Maybe the Astravians would want the same. I want to make a landmark that'll be here even if everything else crumbles away.
Items Required:
- Brass x10 (Stacks up to 50)
- Dropped by Trumpeter
- Sinew x10 (Stacks up to 50)
- Knight's Favor x1 (Stacks up to 5)
- Dropped by La (Monster)
- 3,000 Gold
- 11,000 Exp
- A Melody
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