I need to get away from these Inquisitors. Perhaps I can hide in these caves up ahead.
Why are they chasing me?
Ever since I escaped their prison, the Inquisition has not stopped hunting me. They wish to control me. Use my magical talents. I will not allow it! I will escape and my power will grow! Then, I will destroy them all!
- Memory of Nulgath's Quests
- Become Nulgath - Convict Nulgath (Temp) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Originul Merge
After completing the 'Portal Unlocked' quest:
If I'm going to grow strong enough to destroy Adimonde, I will need to start by proving myself to his army. Time to show them my true power.
- Memory of Nulgath's Quests
- Become Nulgath - Convict Nulgath (Temp) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Originul Merge
After completing the 'Executed Tasks' quest:
A Fiend Champion is challenging my authority and wishes to claim my power as his own. Pathetic. I will make an example of them and show what happens when you attempt to usurp me!
- Memory of Nulgath's Quests
- Become Nulgath - Convict Nulgath (Temp) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Originul Merge
After completing the 'Champion Usurper' quest:
WHAT?! Those Fiends think they can trick me?! While I was distracted with that Champion, they organized a coup to destroy my Fiend Shard! This will not stand! If they do not fear me now, they will fear me when my blade severs their heads from their bodies!
- Memory of Nulgath's Quests
- Become Nulgath - Convict Nulgath (Temp) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Originul Merge
After completing the 'Break their Muti-kneecaps' quest:
A word of the failed coup is spreading quickly. Good. The Fiends are finally accepting their place under my rule. And this is just the beginning. I will create more Fiend Shards and grow even more powerful! There will be no one to challenge my rule! No one! I will conquer worlds upon worlds! And then I will conquer Adimonde himself! I am Nulgath the Archfiend! My name will strike fear in all!
- Memory of Nulgath's Quests
- Become Nulgath - Convict Nulgath (Temp) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Originul Merge
- Continue the Story
Location: Originul
Note: Also see Nulgath (Monster) (Old).
Thanks to Bad.
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