Jump to Tower of Mirrors, Mysterious Dungeon.
Quest Location: Tower of Mirrors
Quests Begun From: Melodia (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Requirement: Must have completed the 'But I Have A Backstage Pass!' quest.
I'm willing to come with you, but please - can you make sure you find my boyfriend, Andres? He disappeared a year before I was taken, and I saw his reflection in one of the mirrors here before I was trapped in this one. It will be easier to face the real world if he's with me. Please, find his mirrors, and rescue him! I think it was just a little further in than mine was.
Items Required:
- Andres' Mirror Key x1
- Dropped by Silver Elemental
- Andres' Mirror Unlocked x1
- Click on the blue arrow on Screen 5
- Andres' Mirror Entered x1
- Go through the mirror on Screen 5
- 200 Gold
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Rare.
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From: Melodia (NPC)
When the Mysterious Stranger brought me here, his dungeon guards confiscated all my things, I'll need to get them back before I can leave. You'll help me, won't you?
Items Required:
- Melodia's Personal Effects x5
- Dropped by Dungeon Guard
- 600 Gold
- 600 Exp
- 200 Rep : Mysterious Dungeon
Thanks to Rare.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!