- Tree Titan - Plays when first joining the map
- Tree Titan - Button in menu
«Dragon and Tree Giant frozen in battle, scroll down, Hero on screen and Drayko off screen»
Drayko: HEY! CAREFUL! You don't want to fall off that ledge….
Drayko: Oh wow… now this is an awe-inspiring view!
Drayko: They call it Titan Hollow.
Drayko: You are looking at a Living Dungeon!
Drayko: Those Titans and the Dragon are still… alive.
Drayko: Cursed and imprisoned by the Forest, they move less than one inch every 100 years!
Hero: I'm sorry… who are you?
Drayko: Oh, sorry, I am Drayko Lancer the Dracomancer…
Drayko: I am here to undo the curse and set free the Dragon!
Hero: Oh, so the Dragon is good then?
Drayko: HAH! No way! Dakka the Demented Dragon is evil…. and crazy.
Drayko: *whispers* REALLY … crazy.
Hero: Why would you do that!?
Drayko: *Stretches* Oh, another demanding quest from the queen of All Monsters.
Drayko: All she does is nag- "Free the Dragon… make it eat a few children… cause more fear…"
Hero: Whaaa? You SERVE the Queen of all Monsters!?
Drayko: Oh. You're not one of her Generals too?
Hero: WAIT! A General? Are you the freaking boss monster villain of this adventure?
Drayko: Oh… this just got awkward.
Hero: I don't know what you plans are in freeing that Dragon, but I am going to stop you!
Drayko: Wait… we should talk this out. Also… watch out, the ground is coming to hit you!
Hero: Huh?
«Drayko pushes Hero»
«Hero falls off screen»
Hero: OUCH!
Drayko: Heh. That's a first. Starting an adventure standing right next to the hero…
Drayko: You know, I'm supposed to be standing in the mouth of that Dragon looking all intimidating.
Drayko: *sigh* Now how am I going to get all the way up there?
Drayko: Oh yeah…
«Drayko pulls out his wings»
Drayko: Dracomancer gives you wings!
Hero: I'm going to get you Drayko!
Drayko: Oh… POP QUIZ hero! Who do you care about most?
- Your Family
- Your Friends
- All of the Above
Drayko: Really? Great! I will have the Dragon eat them… FIRST!
Drayko: Oh, and it gets worse…
Drayko: Anyone who dies in Titan Hollow… is cursed and becomes part of the dungeon!
Drayko: So, you know… good luck with that!
«Drayko flies to the mouth of the dragon, dragon's tongue is a smaller dragon with a red gem in his mouth»
Drayko; Now for dramatic effect… my BEST EVIL LAUGH!
«Drayko laughs evilly»
Note: Can you do a better evil laugh? Record it and comment a link to Artix on his official Facebook or Twitter "Evil Laugh" post.
«Scene fades»
Next: Wheee!