
Location: Carnaval (Location)
Level: 10
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 1,078 1,080
- Claw: 25-30
- Strike: 25-30
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Body Paint (Dropped during the 'People Paint' quest)
- Carnaval Feathers (Dropped during the 'Festooned in Feathers' quest)
- Carnaval Headdress (Dropped during the 'Mask your Emotions' quest)
- Mapinguari Defeated (Dropped during the 'Battle and the Beasts' quest)
- Mapinguari Foot (Dropped during the 'The Land of Monsters' quest)
- Party Crashers Crushed (Dropped during the 'Crushing Crashers' quest)
- Party Poopers Pooped (Dropped during the 'Every Party Has A Pooper' quest)
Items Dropped:
- The Mapinguari is a mythical creature residing in Brazil.
- Mapinguari usually translates to "The Roaring Animal" or "The Fetid Beast" in Portuguese.

Thanks to Maicompdr and ShadowWhisperer.
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