Servant of Celeritas, Avatar of Light
You shouldn't be here yet. Here, let me help you.
- Go Now
After completing the 'Destroy the Shield' quest:
Servant of Celeritas, Avatar of Light
It is so incredibly uncomfortable for me to be here. I feel darkness in every molecule of my existence. But the Avatar of Light believes his work is important, and it is my duty to support you. It is important to be aware, however, that not all creatures of Light will feel the same way. Not all of the resistance you face will come from the dark.
Do YOU believe this will work?
To purify the undead? To purge its corruption? To return him fully to life? I do not know. But if it CAN be done, then yes, I believe Sepulchure will be as he was before. Or at least close to it.
- Become Lynaria
- Luma's Quests
After completing the 'Hapless?' quest:
Servant of Celeritas, Avatar of Light
Lightwing is not as friendly and helpful as I am. He's not going to just give you a feather, Champion of Light or not. We'll have to find some way to convince him to help us.
- Become Lynaria
- Luma's Quests
After completing the 'Make an Offering' quest:
Servant of Celeritas, Avatar of Light
Lightwing is not very co-operative, even if you ARE the Champion of Light. We will have to work harder to sway him to our side.
- Become Lynaria
- Luma's Quests
Location: Luma Fortress
- Replaced by Amie after completing the 'Corrupted Light' quest.
- Also see Astero (NPC).

Thanks to ShatteredReality.
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