Minor Western Skye Noble
Felix? What are you doing out in the open, and in a group, no less! If the Fear Gorta don't get you, the Executors will! Hurry, duck through the open door into Stormview Inn. Most of the rebels are resigned to Queen lona's rule, but they'll hide you from her. Hurry and take your friends to East Skye. The West is going to face the brunt of Greenguard's invasion first. I'll stay, and do my best to evacuate as many people as possible.
While I am a noble, I'm sympathetic to the rebel cause. My family tried to lower the taxes, and keep the common folk fed…my father was assassinated for it. The other nobles and the Queen must have been behind it. They knew that if we treated our common folk well, others would demand better treatment, and take away noble luxury. Sure, Skye is suffering, but you wouldn't know that if you visited Gilded Castle Gaheris.
I've heard word that Greenguard ships and Dragons have been spotted on the horizon. They're coming to finish what King Duncan started, and what awful timing. It killed any motivation the rebels had left. Even the rebel leader is being called selfish for wanting more when the nobles 'do so much to protect us from invaders.' This is exactly what happened when we rebelled against Queen lona's father.
Queen lona is the current ruler of Skye. She lost her family when rebels snuck into the royal palace, Castle Gaheris. King Taliesin, lona's mother, and both of her sisters were killed. Iona wore a mourning dress for decades and refused to ever marry, until she began adopting orphans. She's been known as the Mother of Orphans ever since, but I've only seen Indradeep, Iseul, and Illaria these days. It's strange. She adopted far more than three.
Location: Castle Eblana
Note: Also see Elegant Victorian Garb.

Thanks to Tux47.
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