The Slavers that once controlled the Death Pits committed great sins against their own people. The spirits of the Darkblood who died are still angry and insane. First, Destroy 3 Rotting Darkblood and clear their spirits from this level of the pits. Use my amulet to summon me again when you are done.
Now that I am also undead I can sense the rage of the skeletons that roam the Death Pits. The first room is clear of that rage now,
Items Required:
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
We must begin to work of protecting you from the Rotstone's dangerous effects before you can go lower. First gather 5 of the Glowing Mushrooms that grow near the surface of the Death Pits. Summon my spirit again when you are done.
These mushrooms get their glow from the Rotstone itself. They break the it down and neutralize its effects near the surface.
Items Required:
- Glowing Mushroom x5
- Click on the blue arrows around the map
Thanks to Rivvit and Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Next you will need to gather some bones from the Rotting Darkblood that are rich in the poison from the Rotstone. Summon my spirit again once you have gathered 10 Rotten Rib Bones.
There is so much pain being separated from what lies beyond and from life. I understand why these undead hate the living so much.
Items Required:
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Lastly, you will need to find one large, perfect skull in which to mix the marking paint that we will use to create the protection runes. It must be absolutely perfect, so you may look for some time before you find the one you need.
After all the years wandering around in the poisonous, damp air of the Death Pits and this Darkblood managed to keep its skull pristine. Well done, hero.
Items Required:
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The rune paint needs to rest for a short time, while it rests you can clear the next level of the Death Pits. This far down the Ghastly Darkblood roam. They are more dangerous than the Rotting Darkblood so beware. Destroy 4 of them.
I felt their anguish expire when you destroyed them.
Items Required:
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The protection runes have to be placed in very exact locations, but I don't know where those might be. One of these Ghastly Darkblood must be one of the old Slavers. Destroy Ghastly Darkblood until you find the rune map.
Well done, the rune painted should be well rested now.
Items Required:
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Now that you have the map you should be able to find where all 6 runes of protection were once placed. You will need to use the rune paint to refresh all the runes to protect yourself from further exposure to the Rotstone's poison.
I am much more sensitive to magics as a spirit. I felt the magic begin to work the instant you finished the last rune.
Items Required:
- Runes In Place x6
- Click on the blue arrows around the map
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The undead in the Death Pits have begun to stir since you activated the new runes. Go back and destroy 3 more Rotting Darkblood to thin their numbers.
Their spirits are calling out to the other restless ghosts in the Death Pits.
Items Required:
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Your work is not yet done. The spirits of the undead you have slain are calling out to the Ghastly Darkblood to repel the living intruder. You must destroy 3 more Ghastly Darkblood.
Their rage continues to grow. The Sundered have been alerted to your presence.
Items Required:
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
This far down some of the oldest and most powerful undead walk the darkness and bones. Attack and destroy 5 of the Sundered Darkblood before they mass and overtake you!
It is hard to get the undead to understand anything but they are beginning to see you as a threat. All except me, of course.
Items Required:
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The runes of protection are holding but they won't for long if you go too much deeper. You need to gather some of the loose piles of Raw Rotstone Ore dispose of them.
Excellent. That has helped. The runes should now hold until you reach the Tears of the Mother.
Items Required:
- Rotstone Ore x9
- Click on the blue arrows around the map
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Once a tribe of Darkblood gained control over the Death Pits they would use rival tribe captives as slaves… even the honored Primarchs. Its time to put the sins of the past to rest. Slay the Darkblood until you find 3 Ancient Primarch Weapons so we can honor them, as befits a Primarch.
Well done. Thank you, hero. You have begun to heal psychic wounds that are hundreds of years old.
Items Required:
- Primarch Mace x1
- Primarch Trident x1
- Primarch Spear x1
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The undead Darkblood keep coming from the walls and shadows. You will need to destroy several piles of bones and put their spirits to rest or the will just keep coming after you. Find and burn 12 Piles of Bones.
So many spirits have been freed. The Death Pits will always be a place for the dead, but you have helped many of my people move on. Now, one task remains.
Items Required:
- Bones Burned x12
- Click on the blue arrows around map
Thanks to Zyrain.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The remains of the warlord Wrathful Vestis are on this lowest level of the Death Pits. The Primarch thought this would be the safest location to hide the tears but Lionfang is close behind. Defeat Vestis then take the Tears!
Items Required:
- Vestis Defeated x1
- Tears Of The Mother x1
Thanks to Zyrain.