Before completing As'iiur's Quests:
High Priest of the Prime Water Dragon
You may not explore my Realm yet, Hero. There is much for you to do in Etherstorm before we are ready for what must happen here. Go. Do not attempt to come here again until after you have helped prepare the biding spell with As'iiur!
After completing As'iiur's Quests:
High Priest of the Prime Water Dragon
The spell protecting the new Prime Dragons is a complex weave of the four Prime elemental magics. We will need to interrupt the weave if we are going to unravel it enough to free our new Masters. We cannot do that individually, and that is where your aid will prove most useful.
Apart, we are each the masters of our magic. But when we combine them, as we did for the spell, the merge strengthens the magic, just as braiding strands of twine into a rope make it much harder to pull apart. You may well be acting as our Air focus, but nothing will help until the weave is interrupted!
- Etherstorm Hair Shop
- Ll'rillor's Quests
- Water Rep
After completing the 'Flight of the Fishwings' quest:
High Priest of the Prime Water Dragon
By exploiting the traits of sympathetic magic, the spell components you've provided have brought us much closer to being able to weaken the spell protecting our Masters! The ArchMage has given us the focus-object - a magical trident - to base the interruption on; that is the final object we need.
By constructing the interruption in the shape of a trident, it will help us focus our energies - envision the physical act as we perform the magical. I will lead the attempt to weaken the weave as I am most familiar with this realm. YOU will assist us, with both your newly-found Air magic and your strong will.
- Etherstorm Hair Shop
- Ll'rillor's Quests
- Water Rep
After completing the 'Hunt for the Greater Good' quest:
High Priest of the Prime Water Dragon
We thank you for your help, Hero! I fear you do not remember participating in the spell; that is not unusual for a first performance in a Merge. The magic, I could feel, embraced you; the elements washing over you held your focus in thrall. But now… now we need you to battle our Masters' protector.
Once the DeepDweller - a cousin of the Old Ones which live deep,deep below the waves - has been convinced to let go of its charge, you will return the eggs in which our Prime Dragons are contained. Bring them to the surface that we may free them from their magical refuge.
- Etherstorm Hair Shop
- Ll'rillor's Quests
- Water Rep
After completing Ll'rillor's Quests:
High Priest of the Prime Water Dragon
You heard the full-throated roaring of our new Masters, as did I. It is glorious to see them, and in their new forms. It is proof that their elements are embracing them, and they will soon be fully realized. We will guide them, teach them the intricacies, but it will be up to our combined powers to see them to total Prime-hood.
- Etherstorm Hair Shop
- Ll'rillor's Quests
- Water Rep
After defeating Desoloth the Final and choosing "YES" during the final Etherstorm cutscene:
High Priest of the Prime Water Dragon
Water give you peace, Hero. I am not as hot-headed as our Fire Priest. I know that one must bend and flow as the world and your conscience demand. I shall aid you if it is in my power, Hero, in thanks for all that you have done.
- Etherstorm Hair Shop
- Ll'rillor's Quests
- Water Rep
After defeating Desoloth the Final and choosing "NO" during the final Etherstorm cutscene:
High Priest of the Prime Water Dragon
I see you have returned. Leave, and quickly. The waters here have no gentle embrace for one who does not regret their mistakes.
- Etherstorm Hair Shop
- Ll'rillor's Quests
- Water Rep
Location: Water Storm

Thanks to Dukey, GustavoKnach, Ishimaru, Syudanco, Xia and .Shadow//
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