Jump to Blackhorn Tomb, Queen's Reign.
Quest Location: Blackhorn Tomb
Quests Begun From: Lionfang
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Final Rest
- Disturbing The Peace
- Sampling Silk
- Fire Is The Thing
- The Wall Comes Down
- The Bonefeeder
- What Lies Beyond?
- Toxic
- Very Toxic
Blackhorn Tomb is crawling with the restless undead who have died here in Thunderforge. Searching them for clues to the scroll's location would be the smartest move. Put 5 of the Restless undead to rest and search the remains for the Darkblood Scroll.
Items Required:
- Undead Searched x5
- Dropped by Restless Undead
- 8,400 Gold
- 28,000 Exp
- 200 Rep : ThunderForge
Thanks to Anerid.
Quest Location: Queen's Reign
Quests Begun From: Lionfang
Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Wind Orb' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Super Spreaders
- Sample Size
- Moss You Be This Nasty
- Infected With The Cure
- Hurtful Healing
- The Energy Orb
The Plague Spreaders that Extriki released have been releasing sickness and death to the Darkblood that live nearby. We must take them out and keep those people safe!
Items Required:
- Plague Spreader Defeated x8
- Dropped by Plague Spreader (Level 50)
- 5,000 Gold
- 20,000 Exp
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!