- LIMFT (Location)
- Ubear (Location) - Plays after completing the 'Blockage' quest
«Scene: The Hero, Cysero, and Twilly outside the LIMFT»
Twilly: Let’s just… never talk about what happened here.
Hero: Fine by me.
«Screen wipe - right to left: The Hero, Cysero, and Lim stand in front of the Ubear, which is stopped in front of a giant beehive»
Lim: Oh, no! It looks like your Ubear has broken down!
Lim: Fortunately, the LIMFT is here to carry you to your destination!
Cysero: What? No!
Cysero: Clearly you’ve sabotaged my Ubear with this giant honeycomb!
Lim: It’s so important to ferret out these little flaws in the system.
Lim: Fortunately, LIMFT uses technologyl, therefore does not get distracted by food.
Lim: I suggest you get a refund from Cysero and purchase a LIMFT token instead.
«Cysero holds out a bag of gold to the Hero»
+1000 Gold!
Cysero: Razzin’ frazzin’
Hero: Sorry. I just don’t want to be stuck out here.
Cysero: This isn’t over, Lim! The Ubear WILL ride again!
Lim: A good scientist always welcomes competition.
«Scene fades»
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