Lightguard Keep
Town-Level 45
The last line of defense against the armies of Darkness, King Alteon's soldiers work here to keep the undead under control.
- Axe's Quests
- Brute's Quest
- De'gree's Quest
- Jill'Ette's Quests
- Lady Speedstyk's Quests
- Michem's Quests
- Ol' Spice's Quests
- Vayle's Quests
- Classic Paladin Shop
- DoomFood
- De'gree's Hair Shop
- DoomWood Rep
- DoomWood Weapons
- Michem's Helms and Capes
- Paladin (Shop)
- Paladin TreasureHunter
Map Name: lightguard
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join lightguard
- Button in Greenguard West map
- Doom Pally - East of Screen 1
- Doomwood Forest - East of Screen 1
- Doomwood Forest - Attack - East of Screen 1
- Doomwood Forest - Defend - East of Screen 1
- Greenguard West - West of Screen 10
- Vordred (Location) - North of Screen 1
- Doomwood Map

Note: Mousing over the door displays the message "Welcome to LightGuard Keep! Home to the Order of Paladins".
Thanks to Black Kombat, GM_ francis, Hades4477, Rich Wind, rickyb20 and ShatteredReality.
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