Legion Token
- 8-Bit Battleon Town
- Battleodium
- Dage's House
- Dark Birthday
- Dreadrock Citadel
- Evil War Dage
- Legion Arena
- Legion Castle
- Paragon Helm House
- ShadowBlast Arena
- Shadowfall
- Undervoid
- Underworld
Price: N/A
- Reward from the following quests:
- 'First Class Entertainment'
- 'Legion Loyalty Rewarded'
- 'Undead Champion Recruitment'
- 'Undead Champion Soul Trapping'
- Arcane Paragon Pet's Quests
- Ascended Paragon Pet's Quests
- Bright Paragon Pet's Quests
- Dage the Evil's Champion Quests
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider's Quests
- Hardcore Paragon Pet's Quests
- Holiday Paragon Pet's Quests
- Hollowborn Paragon Quest Pet's Quests
- Legion SoulSeeker Pet's Quest
- Mounted Paragon Pet's Quests
- Paragon Dreadnaught Pet's Quests
- Paragon Fiend Quest Pet's Quests
- Paragon Pet's Quests
- Paragon Ringbearer's Quests
- Rogath's Quests
- Shogun Dage Pet's Quests
- Shogun Paragon Pet's Quests
- Thanatos Paragon Pet's Quests
- UW3017 Pet's Quests
- Reward from Dage the Evil (NPC) for increasing your Friendship Meter by giving a gift:
- 1-2 full hearts for x20
- 3-5 full hearts for x50
- 6 full hearts for x100
Sellback: 0 AC
Type: Item
Description: A strange corroded token with odd engravings belonging to the Undead Legion. If you collect enough of these, you may be able to turn them in for legendary Undead Legion gear.
- Stacks up to 50,000.
- Drop quantities are periodically boosted for a limited time from the following quests:
- 'First Class Entertainment'
- 'Hearts and Souls!'
- 'Hearts and Souls! (Member)'
- 'Legion Castle Quest'
- 'Legion Quest: Coal for the Legion'
- 'Legion Quest: Light vs Dark'
- 'Research Material'
- 'Suffering is Magic'
- 'Time for Some Spring Cleaning' (Hollowborn Paragon Quest Pet)
- 'Time for Some Spring Cleaning' (Paragon Fiend Quest Pet)
- 'Time for Some Spring Cleaning' (Paragon Ringbearer)
- 'Time for Some Spring Cleaning' (Shogun Dage Pet)
- 'Time for Some Spring Cleaning' (Shogun Paragon Pet)
- Required to accept the 'Legion Loyalty Rewarded' quest.
- Used to merge:
- Used to merge items in the following shops:
- Abyssal Merge
- April Fools 2019 War Merge
- Black Friday House Shop
- Cursed Legion Merge
- Dage Challenge Merge
- Dage Recruit Merge
- Dage War Merge Shop
- Daibh's Merge Shop
- Dark Birthday Token Merge
- Dark Hand Merge
- Dark Palace Merge
- Darknight Stalker (Shop) (Tier 1)
- Darknight Stalker (Shop) (Tier 2)
- Darkwinter Rare Merge
- Evolved Legion Vampire (Shop)
- Future War Merge
- J6s Envy Shop
- Legion Merge
- Legion Pyromancer (Merge Shop)
- Legion War Shop
- Lich King's Bounty
- Lord of Broken Bones 1
- Mogloween Seasonal Merge
- Seven Circles Merge
- Seven Circles War Merge
- SoulForge
- Undead Legion Merge
- Undead Legion Naval
- Vulcar's Merge
- Warlord of Broken Bones 2
- Used in the following quests:
- For a few hours after the Dage vs Nulgath release, when doing Rogath's Quests, this item could be obtained without being a member of the Legion.
- For one day after the release of the 'Coliseum Combatants' and 'Beginning the Final' quests, this item could be obtained without being a member of the Legion.
- Currently, this item can be obtained through Hardcore Paragon Pet's Quests without being a member of the Legion.
Thanks to Acetic Acid, Didaak, Eldant, GENGSTUPID, GM_ francis, Kreantz, Legolas Aragorn, Rezurrect, rickyb20, SirBlackAxe, Xia and .Shadow//.
Get this item in our free web game at www.AQ.com!