Jump to: Ceremony / Chaos Altar, Castle Roof / Swordhaven Falls / Ultra Alteon, Ultra Quests, Falconreach, Alteon Battle, Sepulchure Battle, Termina Temple, Nerites, Balemorale Castle, Castle Eblana.
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From:
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Chaos Kills!' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Fight the monsters in each frame of the endless aisle to reach Princess Tara. Cannot pass to next frame until all monsters in current frame are dead.
Items Required:
- Aisles Cleared x12
- Defeat all monsters on each screen until you reach Screen 14
- 11,000 Gold
- 36,000 Exp
- 10,000 Rep : Swordhaven
Thanks to Ness860 and rickyb20.
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From: Lady Celestia
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Save the Princess... Again!' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Defeat the Chaos Dragon or Swordhaven WILL fall!
Items Required:
- Chaos Dragon Slain x1
- Dropped by Chaos Dragon (1) (Level 48)
- 36,000 Gold
- 108,000 Exp
- 30,000 Rep : Swordhaven
Thanks to Ness860 and rickyb20.
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From: Lady Celestia
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat Chaos Lord Alteon' quest.
King Alteon's power has grown so strong. I fear for Lore if he is not defeated.
Items Required:
- Ultra Chaos Lord Alteon Slain x1
- Dropped by Ultra Chaos Alteon
- 3,000 Gold
- 3,000 Exp
- 3,000 Rep : Swordhaven
Thanks to rickyb20.
Quest Location: Falconreach
Quests Begun From: Lady Celestia
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Requirements: Must have completed Dreadhaven.
You have arrived - thank you for getting here so quickly! You must get to the Tower!
Items Required:
- Enemy Defeated x3
- Dropped by:
- 2,500 Gold
- 10,000 Exp
Quest Location: Alteon Battle
Quests Begun From: Lady Celestia
Note: This quest can only be completed once per day.
Defeat Alteon to earn a Seal of Light. Combine 50 seals with 50 Seals of Darkness to create the Bright Knight's armor.
Items Required:
- Alteon Defeated x1
- Dropped by Ultra Alteon (Monster)
- 500 Gold
- 500 Exp
Thanks to rickyb20.
Quest Location: Sepulchure Battle
Quests Begun From: Lady Celestia
Note: This quest can only be completed once per day.
Defeat Sepulchure to earn a Seal of Darkness. Combine 50 seals with 50 Seals of Light to create the Bright Knight's armor.
Items Required:
- Sepulchure Defeated x1
- Dropped by Ultra Sepulchure
- 500 Gold
- 500 Exp
Thanks to rickyb20.
Quest Location: Termina Temple
Quests Begun From: Lady Celestia
While you're occupied with travel, the Temple won't be left unguarded. I have called upon aspiring knights and promising adventurers. They have not taken any vows or have sworn allegiances yet. In exchange for offering their swords, I agreed to teach them personally. Would you spar with them as well? You're a well-known name and the young ones are excited to meet you.
Items Required:
- Defender Sparred With x8 (Stacks up to 40)
- Dropped by Termina Defender
- 1,500 Gold
- 3,000 Exp
- 1,250 Rep : Good
You may also receive, at random:
Quest Location: Nerites (Location)
Quests Begun From: Lady Celestia
The Water Elementals in Ashray cold be tainted with the same influence as the sinkhole. Please disperse them before the villagers begin lining up to dive into the abyss.
Items Required:
- Brine Bucket x8 (Stacks up to 26)
- Dropped by Stagnant Water (Level 60)
- 1,500 Gold
- 4,000 Exp
Quest Location: Balemorale Castle
Quests Begun From: Lady Celestia
Lightguard Paladins are stationed at Castle Balemorale, likely to defend the Queen's guests from a potential attack from the Shadows. They are being very pushy with Tara, Muusa, and myself. Would you please make them give us space? Using elbow grease is perfectly acceptable.
Items Required:
- Paladin's Pledge x10 (Stacks up to 50)
- Dropped by Lightguard Paladin (Level 63)
- 1,500 Gold
- 1,500 Exp
- 75 Rep : Skye
Quest Location: Castle Eblana
Quests Begun From: Lady Celestia
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Miserable Monsoon' quest.
A dangerous fairy has emerged from the woods, stalking our entourage. This Leanan Sidhe will give us blessings in exchange for our souls. I doubt any of us will accept, but she may force the issue. Defeat her, and we'll bury her wings beneath a rowan tree.
Items Required:
- Glassy Wings x1 (Stacks up to 10)
- Dropped by Leanan Sidhe (Monster)
- 2,500 Gold
- 5,000 Exp
- 125 Rep : Skye
- Sidhe's Silk x1
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!