- At Alteon Battle
- At Ashray
- At Astral Shrine
- At Balemorale Castle
- At Castle Eblana
- At Chaos Altar
- At Falconreach
- At Mana Harvest
- At Naoise's Grave
- At Nerites
- At Nova Shrine
- At Sepulchure Battle
- At Swordhaven
- At Swordhaven Castle Roof / Swordhaven Falls / Ultra Alteon
- At Swordhaven Classic
- At Termina Temple
High Priestess of Dragons
Defeat Alteon to earn a Seal of Light. Combine 50 Seals with 50 Seals of Darkness to create the Bright Knight's Armor.

High Priestess of Dragons
A pirate stole the egg of a Great Dragon, and used a disturbing process to hatch it in this murky sinkhole. Nerites burst from the sand, fully grown and monstrous. They ate- and became one with- the pirate and her crew. I beg you, save Nerites from this tragic fate, and lay them to rest. I can tell that if Nerites escapes, and continues to feed, its form will propagate. I will stay here to investigate how the pirate discovered the egg's location.
Many dragons trust me to raise their young alongside aspiring heroes. They are prideful creatures, and even the most noble resent the idea of asking for help - but protecting their own eggs from ill designs is proving more difficult by the day. In my care, their young can hatch, and grow safely. Oh, they can blow a lot of hot air sometimes, but they never forget who knitted their egg cozies. If not, I'm great at giving reminders.
Dragons - and dragon eggs - can be sold on the black market for a small country's worth of gold. I've taken care of eggs rescued from pirate custody, and was kidnapped myself on occasion. Typically my rescuers were angry dragons annoyed that I missed teatime with them. I am not unfamiliar with black sails, but this is the first pirate in a long while that has caused such grief. Influenced by a new force…I imagine this won't be the last.
The location of Nerites' egg was a secret known to very few, as were the plans in place to move it during emergencies. When the Voice in the Sea shook the coast, the damage necessitated transporting the egg by ship. That was when the pirate struck. I wrote those plans while I was sheltered by the Lightguard, and they have yet to return them to me. There is a chance that someone in their ranks leaked this information.
High Priestess of Dragons
Empress Ai No Miko is quite annoyed by the behavior of those twenty-eight stars, but I find it quite adorable. Yes, their first defeat must have stung them badly, but they've come back with new strength, gained through honorable thought and practice. Much like how Dragons behave, the Stars amount these bouts of might to play fighting. There's no malice involved at all. It's pure excitement.
Though seven of the twenty-eight stars originally formed a Dragon constellation in the form of Seiryu, the other twenty-one decided to relinquish their original forms in favor of a Dragon's as well. Why is that? I believe they've watched over Lore since its creation, and noted that Dragons were one of the first lifeforms to be born, followed by Elves, Dwarves, et cetera. There's a significance to that, and power that can be gained from age and history.
The Stars that form the constellations who represent the Four Cardinal Directions. When they combine, it sound like a contender for the title of "Dragon of Space," and they believe you're the one who can give it to them. Empress Ai No Miko knows you are a Dragon, but not what type of Dragon. I have no right to share. The Stars that formed the Empyrean think that there is no Dragon of Space to balance your Time, but what is the truth? We have yet to discover it.
This challenge from the Stars may have come about because they sensed a monumental decision you made at the bottom of the ocean. Only those who were present know, as do a select number residing in Termina Temple, but there were other, loftier beings that witnessed the God of the Depths' birth. To be frank, I think you've inspired jealousy in quite a few of them. This likely won't be the last challenge of its kind, and others won't be as discreet as these Stars.
High Priestess of Dragons
Richard made good on his promise, and gave us an audience with the Queen. I had hoped my presence and Muusa's would have increased our chances of a private meeting, but it seems we will be heard in an open forum…of Nobles. I trust you and Tara know exactly which questions you'll have Queen Victoria answer. I will be here to support you, and learn more about the guests from the Queendom of Skye.
We should prepare for our turn to speak at the summit.Concerns
Ideally, we will be heard separately during the summit. You and Tara will question the Queen about Seabase Undine, Sparagmos, and the Ashray Elves. I plan to ask about the Court Mages that were exiled by King Alteon. They served Tyrant King Dethrix, but Queen Victoria pardoned Magus Noelle in exchange for her knowledge. The Queen may have extended this offer to the other Mages, and we need to understand why.Termina
While you were busy with Seabase Undine, Warlic and I gathered information in Swordhaven. The Blue Mage has returned to resume his research at Termina Temple, and keep watch over Maya's recovery. He also sensed that there were intruders trying to sneak through his barrier. Notably, Shakaz, Rand, and Jadzia have been called by their Masters for an urgent matter. Don't worry about that for now. Warlic will take care of any trouble at home.Skye
An Emissary from Skye is on the Queen's guestlist today. I'm interested in meeting him. While I was theorizing the identity of the "Rumbling of Cold Thunder," one of the Dragons I helped raise gave me a visit. They mentioned that the Queendom I was looking into was generally avoided by their brethren. The older generations refuse to explain why, but it could be due to the Great Dragon of Energy. As the stories go, it left to nest there, and was never seen again…
High Priestess of Dragons
Queen Iona will notice our absence any moment now. Though we should make haste to Loughshine to meet the Fianna rebels, we'll need to shake off a well-dressed stalker. Aisling told me Leanan Sidhe is approaching from the woods. She's a figure that hasn't been seen since the previous invasion of Skye. The fairy who stalks artists, and promises them inspiration and fame. That comes at the cost of dying young in her arms.
Shooting stars sear themselves into your memory before disappearing into the dark. The same could be said of many heroes.Fairy
The Leanan Sidhe resides in Skye, though I have heard of a male counterpart in Greenguard. They approach artists, becoming their muse. She blesses them with endless inspiration, and they eventually wither away as she feeds on their lifeforce. Most die young, in their prime, and wracked with madness. It seems, however, the one lurking close by is interested in heroes. She intends to make you legends in the coming war.Story
I know a story about a Dragonlord that shared the same fate as the victims of Leanan Sidhe. They met a figure of similar blood alone in dark woods. That Dragonlord went on to partner with a Great Dragon, conquer the skies, and become a legend. A young priestess watched that Dragon mournfully nudge the Dragonlord with their nose, unable to wake their partner's soulless body. They weren't even twenty.Prey
The Leanan Sidhe is following us because she senses potential in our entourage. It's unlikely that she's interested in me, so her attention is on you and your companions. I doubt you'd be interested, Brentan will never love another after Brittany, and Felix's thoughts are with the Warden of the East. Still… I fear this may be an omen. Regardless of her influence, history will be made in the coming conflict.
Dragon Priestess
Go back, Hero What you see here is not real, has not happened yet. You cannot be here now.
- Royal Rares

After completing the 'Chaos Kills!' quest:
Dragon Priestess
Alteon has succumbed to Chaos, but some core within him still fights it. I cannot imagine the strength it is taking him to remain sane as he is. Which is, truthfully, not much. I fear for him, and for all of us! You must hurry to contain his power, Hero!
- Lady Celestia's QuestsTalk
The dragon has always been the symbol of King Alteon's family. The Priests of the Dragon suspect dragon blood may ever run in his veins, if only a thin stream. You see the fascination his youngest daughter has with them.
- Royal Rares

- Wedding Presents
After completing the 'Save the Princess... Again!' quest:
Dragon Priestess
The dragon has arisen, Hero, and Alteon has succumbed completely. I do not know if any part of the King we knew and loved remains inside the shell you see. With Chaos and draconic powers combined… Prepare yourself for the coming battle while I consult my texts.
- Royal RaresTalk
The dragon has always been the symbol of King Alteon's family. The Priests of the Dragon suspect dragon blood may ever run in his veins, if only a thin stream. You see the fascination his youngest daughter has with them.

- Wedding Presents
High Priestess of Dragons
Hurry! You must battle your way to the top of Falconreach Tower… I sense a great and growing darkness there. I fear for us!
So much has happened recently… the DragonLords are in turmoil, and I can feel the world shudder. It is about to shatter. There is only one thing that will prevent that… but I cannot see clearly what it is.
High Priestess of Dragons
Hurry! You must battle your way to the top of Falconreach Tower… I sense a great and growing darkness there. I fear for us!
So much has happened recently… the DragonLords are in turmoil, and I can feel the world shudder. It is about to shatter. There is only one thing that will prevent that… but I cannot see clearly what it is.
After completing the 'Defeat the Dragonlord' quest:
High Priestess of Dragons
You have defeated the Dragonlord, now you MUST defeat Dragon Drakath or all is lost!
After completing the 'Defeat Dragon Drakath' quest:
High Priestess of Dragons
You have defeated Drakath, now you must defeat Sepulchure or all is lost!
After completing the 'Defeat Alteon' quest:
High Priestess of Dragons
Drakath's story has been told, the 13th Chaos Lord has been chosen. Now is the time for the final confrontation!
So much has happened recently… the DragonLords are in turmoil, and I can feel the world shudder. It is about to shatter. There is only one thing that will prevent that… but I cannot see clearly what it is.
- Replay Dragon Drakath Fight - Takes you to Screen 9 (Dragon Drakath)
- Go to Confrontation
- Replay Alteon Fight
- Replay Sepulchure Fight
- Ultra Alteon Fight
- Ultra Sepulchure Fight

High Priestess of Dragons
My, the forest and brook look lovely. I hope you won't rush to turn everything back to normal. Tara's magic is as playful as she is, and it's interesting to have a river that tastes like an affogato. I came to collect some water. It'll make today's tea time exciting.
It's a shame Maya and Muusa won't make it back to the Temple in time for the feast. They went to the Yew Mountain Chain just south of Dwarfhold. Now that Lady Song has inherited that territory from Adreanna Noelle, the Lorekeepers are free to peruse their library. According to Muusa, the…noises we're hearing below the Temple are similar to a sound miners, human and Dwarven, would hear in the caves.
Today is about thankfulness, and I'm thankful that you graciously allowed the Great Dragon of Energy to stay at the Temple. Being trapped in that cave for so long made him sensitive to crowds, even if it's just little people like us. He won't be joining the feast, but he's nearby, listening. The Greats are a prideful sort, but Volgritian can't hide how curious he is of you. He's just conscious about his current 'shameful' form. Healing will take time.
Poor Tara was so worried about making the Feast perfect that her anxieties caused a slight mishap. Even if this was unintentional, her magic is as playful as she is. If it weren't for Warlic's barrier, the Fae would come to frolic and celebrate with us. This is a sign that Tara's powers, and Mana itself, have room to grow. With you and her sister around to guide her, the future is bright, and filled with endless possibilities.
After completing the 'Coiled Cornucopia' quest:
High Priestess of Dragons
I'll set aside the feast's leftovers for Volgritian before the magic wears off. I think I'll ask Hans to help me store the charmed river water into a few barrels as well. Muusa does love her coffee, and the river tastes like a strong espresso without the need for any of that messy bean dirt. You should visit the two of us for afternoon toffee (tea and coffee) sometime.
It's a shame Maya and Muusa won't make it back to the Temple in time for the feast. They went to the Yew Mountain Chain just south of Dwarfhold. Now that Lady Song has inherited that territory from Adreanna Noelle, the Lorekeepers are free to peruse their library. According to Muusa, the…noises we're hearing below the Temple are similar to a sound miners, human and Dwarven, would hear in the caves.
Today is about thankfulness, and I'm thankful that you graciously allowed the Great Dragon of Energy to stay at the Temple. Being trapped in that cave for so long made him sensitive to crowds, even if it's just little people like us. He won't be joining the feast, but he's nearby, listening. The Greats are a prideful sort, but Volgritian can't hide how curious he is of you. He's just conscious about his current 'shameful' form. Healing will take time.
Poor Tara was so worried about making the Feast perfect that her anxieties caused a slight mishap. Even if this was unintentional, her magic is as playful as she is. If it weren't for Warlic's barrier, the Fae would come to frolic and celebrate with us. This is a sign that Tara's powers, and Mana itself, have room to grow. With you and her sister around to guide her, the future is bright, and filled with endless possibilities.
High Priestess of Dragons
Ah, you're well enough to join us. It's faint, but I can hear the pitter patter of Dragonling footsteps, and the breathing of a large adult. With the ice blocking the way, we won't be able to learn more without your skills.
We are to skirt around a mountain that has lost its name. After a failed Draconic invasion, it became known as Naoise's Grave. That Dragon's moniker is familiar. It definitely isn't a name given to one of their kind at birth. I've been present at enough hatchings to know that 'Naoise' was chosen long after its owner took flight. That often occurs when a Dragon is close to a Dragonlord.
I have theories about why I didn't know about Naoise's attempted invasion of Skye, and why other Dragons avoid landing here. Dragons are prideful creatures, and acknowledging such a devastating loss to mere ants like us would be hard to swallow. The Dragonslayer that killed Naoise was Queen lona's ancestor. They left such an impression that no Dragon, save one, would ever risk nesting in Skye.
I heard rumors about the Great Dragon of Energy flying to Skye, and never being seen again. Now that I know about Naoise's failed invasion, it's obvious that Queen lona's family had something to do with his disappearance. Volgritian always resented Lord Haeos' beloved Champions. When I tended to his former consorts' eggs, I overheard them talking about how the Avatar would always look the other way when the Champions steal from the Dragon's hoard.
After completing the 'Dragon's Seal' quest:
High Priestess of Dragons
We have the upper hand, but don't celebrate just yet. I feel great unease. Queen lona is holding her own against the combined might of the Champion of Fire and the Great Dragon of Energy. Where is this power coming from? She isn't the Champion of Energy. If Queen lona was, I'm sure we'd never hear the end of it. How has she gotten so powerful, or rather, who gave her so much power?
We are to skirt around a mountain that has lost its name. After a failed Draconic invasion, it became known as Naoise's Grave. That Dragon's moniker is familiar. It definitely isn't a name given to one of their kind at birth. I've been present at enough hatchings to know that 'Naoise' was chosen long after its owner took flight. That often occurs when a Dragon is close to a Dragonlord.
I have theories about why I didn't know about Naoise's attempted invasion of Skye, and why other Dragons avoid landing here. Dragons are prideful creatures, and acknowledging such a devastating loss to mere ants like us would be hard to swallow. The Dragonslayer that killed Naoise was Queen lona's ancestor. They left such an impression that no Dragon, save one, would ever risk nesting in Skye.
I heard rumors about the Great Dragon of Energy flying to Skye, and never being seen again. Now that I know about Naoise's failed invasion, it's obvious that Queen lona's family had something to do with his disappearance. Volgritian always resented Lord Haeos' beloved Champions. When I tended to his former consorts' eggs, I overheard them talking about how the Avatar would always look the other way when the Champions steal from the Dragon's hoard.
High Priestess of Dragons
A dragon troubles this beach and its nature confuses me. You'll be able to help us learn more by going to /Seavoice. Take care of matters there, wrap them up by talking to Tara in /TerminaTemple, then return here to save Nerites.
- To /Seavoice
- To /TerminaTemple
- Lady Celestia's Quests
- Celestia's Rewards
After completing the 'Mopping Up' quest:
High Priestess of Dragons
A pirate stole the egg of a Great Dragon, and used a disturbing process to hatch it in this murky sinkhole. Nerites burst from the sand, fully grown and monstrous. They ate- and became one with- the pirate and her crew. I beg you, save Nerites from this tragic fate, and lay them to rest. I can tell that if Nerites escapes, and continues to feed, its form will propagate. I will stay here to investigate how the pirate discovered the egg's location.
Many dragons trust me to raise their young alongside aspiring heroes. They are prideful creatures, and even the most noble resent the idea of asking for help - but protecting their own eggs from ill designs is proving more difficult by the day. In my care, their young can hatch, and grow safely. Oh, they can blow a lot of hot air sometimes, but they never forget who knitted their egg cozies. If not, I'm great at giving reminders.
Dragons - and dragon eggs - can be sold on the black market for a small country's worth of gold. I've taken care of eggs rescued from pirate custody, and was kidnapped myself on occasion. Typically my rescuers were angry dragons annoyed that I missed teatime with them. I am not unfamiliar with black sails, but this is the first pirate in a long while that has caused such grief. Influenced by a new force…I imagine this won't be the last.
The location of Nerites' egg was a secret known to very few, as were the plans in place to move it during emergencies. When the Voice in the Sea shook the coast, the damage necessitated transporting the egg by ship. That was when the pirate struck. I wrote those plans while I was sheltered by the Lightguard, and they have yet to return them to me. There is a chance that someone in their ranks leaked this information.
High Priestess of Dragons
I don't often get an excuse to visit the Yokai Isles. It's a shame the circumstances are dire, but aren't they always? Listening to Empress Ai No Miko explain this Empyrean Dragon's origins and intentions over a pot of oolong tea calmed both of our nerves. I've saved you some leaves for after you overcome the challenge, and I know you will. My focus is on understanding why the Stars have taken the form of a Dragon, and believe they can seek an even greater ascension from you.
Though seven of the twenty-eight stars originally formed a Dragon constellation in the form of Seiryu, the other twenty-one decided to relinquish their original forms in favor of a Dragon's as well. Why is that? I believe they've watched over Lore since its creation, and noted that Dragons were one of the first lifeforms to be born, followed by Elves, Dwarves, et cetera. There's a significance to that, and power that can be gained from age and history.
The Stars that form the constellations who represent the Four Cardinal Directions. When they combine, it sound like a contender for the title of "Dragon of Space," and they believe you're the one who can give it to them. Empress Ai No Miko knows you are a Dragon, but not what type of Dragon. I have no right to share. The Stars that formed the Empyrean think that there is no Dragon of Space to balance your Time, but what is the truth? We have yet to discover it.
This challenge from the Stars may have come about because they sensed a monumental decision you made at the bottom of the ocean. Only those who were present know, as do a select number residing in Termina Temple, but there were other, loftier beings that witnessed the God of the Depths' birth. To be frank, I think you've inspired jealousy in quite a few of them. This likely won't be the last challenge of its kind, and others won't be as discreet as these Stars.
High Priestess of Dragons
Defeat Sepulchure to earn a Seal of Darkness. Combine 50 Seals with 50 Seals of Light to create the Bright Knight's Armor.
High Priestess of Dragons
Good day, I am Celestia. The nobles refer to me by "Lady" and heroes know me as the "Priestess of Dragons." Once upon a time, I involved myself in the neverending struggle between Good and Evil, but now their fates are moving into the future side by side. I will be keeping touch with the royal family, though the role I once had will be greatly diminished. With that said, do you have time for tea and company?
I have long suspected that the Alteons have a thin stream of dragon blood running in their veins. Dragonkind has always had great sway over Greenguard and perhaps all of Lore. Prophecies concerning Dragons, or even just their whims, have changed the course of fate time and time again. Your destiny as well…Then again, you've already taken your destiny into your own hands.
The Kingdom of Greenguard was once ruled by the cruel Dethrix Drakath the First. King Alden Alteon overthrew his tyranny and now sits on the throne, bearing its responsibility. Being Good is harder than most would think. The Crown is a golden target, for both the greedy and the discontent. I believe in the King and his family's strength. I wish them all of the happiness possible in their hardship.
I once raised heroes and dragons to be heroes of Good. The landscape, however, has changed drastically. Those who fly the banners of Good and Evil have mingled. Though they will part in the future, their sensibilities are bleeding into each other. Someone will need to be there for the Good who have lost their way, and the Evil that wish to change. Mayhaps, it will be me.
High Priestess of Dragons
You do not know enough to face this challenge. Go, quickly, and prepare!
- Go Now
After completing the 'Save the Princess... Again!' quest:
High Priestess of Dragons
Hero! The 12th Chaos Beast has risen, and all of Lore is at risk! You MUST defeat it before Chaos Lord Alteon can loose it upon the world. Though, if there is any Hope left, some shred of his humanity remains, and he will not attack before you are prepared.
I can sense the Beast's emotions thanks to my connection with all dragonkind. It is filled with rage and a desire for destruction. It has no heart, only an empty void filled with pure Chaos. If it is a reflection of Alteon - as I think it must be, now - then we have very little time, and very much to lose.
- Lady Celestia's Quests
- Swordhaven Rep
- BattleMage (Shop)
After completing the 'Chaos Dragon Confrontation' quest:
High Priestess of Dragons
The Beast is slain, but Alteon remains. I know what he has asked of you. I do not know what I would do in your place… Hero, much depends on you and what you do next. But you cannot do ANYTHING if you do not catch the King!
- Lady Celestia's Quests
- Swordhaven Rep
- BattleMage (Shop)
After completing the 'To Catch a King' quest:
High Priestess of Dragons
My friend… only you can make the choice about what to do here…
You are a living being with free will. You can choose what to do, and where, and with whom. But a path has been set for you, and certain events set in motion cannot be avoided. Though you may choose how slowly or quickly to travel down that path, one way or another, you will always arrive at your destination. I am so sorry that destiny's hand has fallen upon you.OR
You are a living being with free will. You can choose what to do, and where, and with whom. But a path has been set for you, and certain events set in motion cannot be avoided. Though you may choose how slowly or quickly to travel down that path, one way or another, you will always arrive at your destination. Thank you for embracing that destiny.
- Lady Celestia's Quests
- Swordhaven Rep
- BattleMage (Shop)
After completing Lady Celestia's Quests:
High Priestess of Dragons
I cannot believe he is gone. For so long, Swordhaven has been ruled by Alteon… I can already hear the whispers and plots as factions move to secure the throne. I fear there will be no peace in Swordhaven for a very long time; it is lost… for now. You must leave - GO! There is still time to confront Drakath before ALL is lost!
- Lady Celestia's Quests
- Swordhaven Rep
- BattleMage (Shop)
High Priestess of Dragons
Whispers are floating through the air, spreading rumors of Chaos throughout Swordhaven. I MUST see King Alteon before it is too late! Though I know the royal family is busy preparing for the coming ceremony, they WILL need to listen to me. The danger is only growing greater, and I fear dragon magic will not be enough to save us!
Chaos - or something claiming to BE Chaos - has begun talking directly to the Heroes of Lore. This has never happened before, and it is NOT a good sign. The stronger Drakath grows, the more danger we are all in. Do NOT listen to the whispers. Hero!
High Priestess of Dragons
We have met before, under dire circumstances unfortunately. I am far happier to chat with you in fair weather. Now that I have declared complete neutrality, I am not beholden to the whims of the Swordhaven throne or the servants of Light. My knowledge and connections will aid you in the search for those three threats, and will be available whenever you ask.
I am sending for a table, chairs, tea leaves and sweets - but until then, would you like to chat under the fair weather?Dragons
Dragons have long held sway over the Fate of Lore- but to think I would stand before the Eternal Dragon of Time! I should feel the pressure of your presence, but as opposed to others of lofty position, there is a wise youth to you. It isn't unlike the gleam that I saw in the Heroes I once guided in Sunbreeze Grove. Those old scarlet fogeys could learn from your adventures.Light
I was the head of the old Temple of Light, before it fell to an invasion. From there, I moved to Sunbreeze Grove with the orphans that needed shelter. For a time, the Light supported us. But eventually, all contact was cut, and the Elementals resorted to underhanded means to maintain their brilliance. The Light is glorified as a symbol of Good because mortals made it so. How quickly that has been forgotten.Connections
While Warlic and the Scholars have strong theories about the other two threats, the Rumbling of Cold Thunder is difficult to parse. After consulting a map and several Scholars about the current events of different regions, Skye became a location of interest. It is a Queendom with deep ties to the Avatar Haeos. I will consult with diplomats, dragons, and adventurers from that area to learn more.
- Alteon Battle
- Astral Shrine
- Balemorale Castle
- Castle Eblana
- Chaos Altar
- Falconreach
- Mana Harvest
- Naoise's Grave
- Nerites (Location)
- Nova Shrine
- Sepulchure Battle
- Swordhaven
- Swordhaven Castle Roof
- Swordhaven Classic
- Swordhaven Falls
- Termina Temple
- Ultra Alteon (Location)
- Appears on Screen 1 of Swordhaven Classic after completing the 'Chaos Not Invited' quest.
- Disappears from Screen 1 of Swordhaven Classic after completing the 'Save the Princess... Again!' quest.
- Appears on Screen 9 of Castle Eblana after completing the 'Miserable Monsoon' quest.
- Originally introduced as the NPC Lady Celestia in DragonFable.
- Also see Priestess Celestia.
Thanks to Apus, Dracometus, rickyb20, ShadowWhisperer and .Shadow//.
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