Jump to: Embersea, Daily Quest, Brimstone, ShadowStrike.
Quest Location: Embersea
Quests Begun From: Kyron
The Firestorm Onslaught sentries have been spotted on our shores. They MUST be stopped before they can report back to their squad leader. Take out 3 Flame Soldiers and 3 Storm Scouts. Report back to me.
Items Required:
- Flame Soldier slain x3
- Dropped by Flame Soldier
- Storm Scout slain x3
- Dropped by Storm Scout
- 200 Gold
- 200 Exp
- 150 Rep : Embersea
Thanks to Abalanar.
Quest Location: Embersea
Quests Begun From: Kyron
Note: This quest can be completed only once a day.
As the Tyndarius' Onslaught advances through the Ring of Fires, creatures flee from their army… and into OUR home! Take out 5 Coal Creepers, 2 Pyradons, and 1 Firesyn to keep our streets safe.
Items Required:
- Coal Creeper slain x5
- Dropped by Coal Creeper
- Pyradon slain x2
- Dropped by Pyradon
- Fyresyn slain x1
- Dropped by Fyresyn
- 3,000 Gold
- 3,000 Exp
- 3,000 Rep : Embersea
Thanks to Ness860.
Quest Location: Brimstone (Location)
Quests Begun From: Kyron
- The Hard Way
- Encrpyt Keepers
- Catching Couriers
- Steppe Quickly
- Reclamation
- Bad Press
- Good Hunting
- One Last Push
- Redemption
The marauders function as a unit because of a mutual respect and loyalty. Since I betrayed that, talking them down is no longer an option. We need information on why they've come here, and it looks like the only way to get it is through force. The Brimstone Marauders play for keeps, so I won't ask you to be gentle. Go listen in on the Marauders, Looters, and Bandits, and tell me what they have to say.
Items Required:
- Pieces of Gossip x3
- Dropped by Brimstone Marauder
- Bits of Hearsay x3
- Dropped by Brimstone Looter
- Overheard Conversations x3
- Dropped by Brimstone Bandit
- 200 Gold
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Counterswitch.
Quest Location: ShadowStrike
Quests Begun From: Kyron
Before you go and investigate the attack on Feverfew Falls, we must learn most about what the Queen AND the Empress are planning for Embersea. Take out Fireguardian Dragons, Shadow Warriors, and members of the Firestorm army to learn more!
Items Required:
- Fevewfew Attack Page x7
- 200 Gold
- 200 Exp
- 200 Rep : Embersea
You may also receive, at random:
- Akriloth's Scale x100
You will receive one of the following items:
Thanks to Abalanar.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!