
Location: Kaiju War
Level: 65
Difficulty: 5 stars
Total HP: 133,881 133,880
- Atomic Breath: 300-370
- Stomp: 300-370
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Defeat Klashex (Dropped during the 'Keelhaul Klashex' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Bandana Split Helm
- Blade of the Deep
- Broken Mecha
- DeepDweller Morph
- DeepDweller Pirate
- DeepDweller Pirate Locks
- DeepDweller Sea Hat
- DeepDweller's Grin Morph
- Kaiju's HandCannon
- Kaiju's Scimitar
- Kaiju's Scimitars
- Messy Bandana Split Helm
- Mini Klashex Pet
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Wings of the Deep Trenches

Thanks to Shiminuki.
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