Kitsune's Tale (Tails?) / Kitsune's Story


«Hero and Hashi Hime on Yokai River's bridge»

Since the dawn of time, the Island of Yokai has been watched over by a peaceful, fox-like spirit known as Kitsune.

«Kitsune in a Yokai forest»

Kitsune was a kind, clever Yokai who was part of the divine protection which guarded Yokai Island from all outsiders, including Chaos.

«Kitsune and the Emperor on the same forest»

For centuries, Human and Yokai lived together in peace. Kitsune and the Emperor of the Island worked as partners-brothers, even-to help ensure a safe haven for all living creatures.

«Emperor bowing to foreigners»

But then one day, the kind Emperor decided to extend the Island's hospitality to the Outsiders of Lore- foreigners, just like you, Hero.

Foreigners: Yay! *Cheer* Hooray!

«A dark room with a scrying light, with Kitsune wearing a demon mask, red eyes on the left and right sides»

Kitsune was furious and did not share the same compassion towards the Outsiders. Overcome with anger, Kitsune vowed to do everything in his power to restore Yokai Island back to its secluded sanctuary.

«Kitsune with Drakath»

And that's when Drakath appeared. Kitsune's mind became clouded with visions of absolute power, morphins the once peaceful spirit into an epitome of Chaos.

«Drakath makes Kitsune chaotic, giving him chaotic armor»

«Emperor meeting with Kitsune, bowing to him, and O-dokuro appearing in the background»

Drakath convinced Kitsune that the only way to "restore" Yokai Island would be to release the great, forbidden Yokai, O-dokuro, from the Rift of Time. The sheer power and terror that would come from summoning O-dokuro would make even the Emperor bow to Kitsune once more.

«Kitsune in a room»

Kitsune became ever stronger with the thought of summoning the great Chaos Beast. The legendary blade of Hanzamune would be they key to releasing O-dokuro from his prison. And Kitsune knew just how to get it.

«Blade of Hanzamune in the Yokai tournament, Kitsune comes and gets it, then back to Kitsune in a room»

«Emperor, in the village, Kitsune appears behind him, clouds his mind with Chaos»

With his newfound Chaos powers, Kitsune called to the Emperor and placed him under a spell, rendering the kind Emperor helpless and his mind clouded. With the Emperor now under his control, Kitsune would be able to take the Hanzamune blade without anyone to stop him.

«Yokai tournament, Princess Miko, Blade of Hanzamune and Emperor»

Princess Miko sensed her father's change, even though she was not sure as to what was going on. Fearing the worst, the Princess held the Dragon Koi Tournament in hopes of finding a Hero who could help in this crisis.

«Hero with Princess Miko and the Blade of Hanzamune»

And that's where you come in.

«Kitsune comes in and steals the Blade of Hanzamune»

You must move quickly, Hero. Now that Kitsune has the Hanzamune Blade, he will be able to release O-dokuro from the Rift of Time. Once summoned, the O-dokuro will bring destruction to the entire Island, and not even Kitsune will be able to stop it.

«Back to Hashi Hime and Hero in Yokai River's bridge»

Hashi Hime: The fate of Yokai Island rests in your hands. Gookouun o inorimasu. Good luck, Hero.

«Scene fades»

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