Fourth Hero of Balance
Thank the Great Spirit! It looks like Iadoa was successful in bringing you to us! And not a moment too soon! Jaaku, one of the Queen's Generals, has kept the Wind Orb out of our grasp for quite some time now. Time is not something we have at the moment. But with you, we will be able to turn the tides of this battle!
Ahh, so you have fought a Jaaku in your time as well? Interesting. It makes sense that the Queen would try to mirror her forces from when she reigned over Lore as she does now. Or perhaps it's something else entirely.
After completing the 'The Forces of Jaaku' quest:
Fourth Hero of Balance
Jaaku has cast a forbidden spell. One that splits the user into many Shadows of themselves, each one as strong as the original. He can not be defeated unless all of his Shadows fall. On top of that, Jaaku is in possession of the Wind Orb, adding to his strength. I have O-Dokuro protecting the Yokai Realm from his Shadows, so all that is left is our fight here. We must expect many foes in our battle against Jaaku. Keep your guard up, and I am right beside you! The Wind Orb will be ours!
After completing the 'The Wind Orb' quest:
Fourth Hero of Balance
The Wind Orb is ours! We are one step closer to defeating the Queen of Monsters. I will use its power to hold off her forces here in Akiba. Take the portal that has just opened and assist Lionfang in claiming the Energy Orb in the Thunderforge.
After completing the 'The Water Orb' quest:
Fourth Hero of Balance
The Wind Orb is ours! We are one step closer to defeating the Queen of Monsters. I will use its power to hold off her forces here in Akiba.
Location: Queen's Reign
Thanks to Bad.
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