- Shattersword Cavern - Joining Shattersword Cavern
«Scene: Shattersword Cavern»
«Young King Alteon battling Graveclaw The Defiler»
Graveclaw The Defiler was unlike anything I’d ever seen before.
We fought decades ago, but I still remember his screams of defiance as I dodged the blows.
I nearly died in that battle.
«Scene: Chaorruped King Alteon laying in bed»
King Alteon: Victoria, put that down. That forest is no place for a princess, and you have much to do here.
Princess Victoria: But I –
King Alteon: GO. Time is short, and <Hero> must know this if he is going to save us.
« Princess Victoria walks away angry»
King Alteon: The Defiler HAD to be imprisoned for the safety of the villagers in the area.
«Arrow flies by, hitting the wall»
King Alteon: …
Hero: With a shot like that, she could be useful, Your Highness.
King Alteon: My daughters will never see the dangers of combat if I can help it. Victoria will understand someday.
«Young King Alteon continuing battling Graveclaw The Defiler»
Graveclaw’s targets were being hunted for sport, then slaughtered. Peasants are hardly the most dangerous game…
But he found them much more amusing than warriors who could defend themselves.
«Scene: King Alteon’s bedroom»
King Alteon: Shortly after his defeat, our mages realized that continuous battle DECREASED Graveclaw’s power.
King Alteon: The constant hunting and slaughter bled off the strength he channeled into it.
King Alteon: Shattersword Cavern, lying beneath the Forest of Chaos, held him for decades, but no longer.
King Alteon: Graveclaw’s power has combined with the dark magic of the caves, changing him…
King Alteon: And twisting the warriors Gravelyn began sending down to prevent his strength from returning.
«Warriors battling Graveclaw The Defiler»
«Scene: King Alteon’s bedroom»
Hero: Where does she get volunteers for THAT duty?
King Alteon: She does not say and I have not asked.
«Scene: Graveclaw The Defiler with a horde of skeletons»
Graveclaw has grown strong enough to break free from his prison.
He’s sworn vengeance against all who have kept him chained AND has an army WE sent him.
«Scene: King Alteon’s bedroom»
King Alteon: Chaos grows stronger, but Graveclaw threatens us NOW! We need you, <Hero>, more than ever.
«Scene fades»
Next: Hero vs Beast