King Vath

Third Hero of Balance
<Hero>! Thank goodness you are here! We have been facing off against the Queen's force for too long. I fear that our hold on the region is slipping. With you here, we will have the power we need to halt their advances and take the offensive! The Dwarves here are under my protection and I refuse to see them suffer any longer! It will not be easy, however. Grou'luu the Calcifier, a Child of the Queen, stands between us and the Earth Orb.

The Queen has many monstrous beasts she calls Children. Extriki, who you just defeated, being one of them. Grou'luu the Calcifier is one such Child that has been terrorizing Dwarfold since the beginning of the Queen's reign. It is a mindless creature, turning any living thing that crosses its path into a statue by causing it's prey's bones to grow at an alarming rate. It must be stopped at all costs!

- King Vath's Quests

After completing the 'Lair Located' quest:

Third Hero of Balance
Grou'luu stands as the only obstacle between us and the Earth Orb. There is no telling what structural damage our fight will cause, so I have sent my Rock Roc and Stalagbite to evacuate the remaining Dwarves in the area. Let us fight without restraint and slay this beast.

- King Vath's Quests

After completing the 'The Earth Orb' quest:

Third Hero of Balance
Grou'luu has been defeated… It is almost too good to be true. That Child of the Queen has tormented the Drow and Dwarves since the beginning of the Queen's reign. Perhaps now our people will know peace. Thank you, <Hero>. Without you, we would have never been free of the beast. Now let's see to the defeat of the Queen and bring this peace to all of Lore!

After completing the 'The Water Orb' quest:

Third Hero of Balance
Grou'luu has been defeated… It is almost too good to be true. That Child of the Queen has tormented the Drow and Dwarves since the beginning of the Queen's reign. Perhaps now our people will know peace. Thank you, <Hero>. Without you, we would have never been free of the beast.

Location: Queen's Reign


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