King Alteon's Quests

Jump to: Swordhaven, Banquet, Tournament of Hearts, Queen's Reign.

Quest Location: Swordhaven Castle (Location)
Quests Begun From: King Alteon (NPC)
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Unlife Insurance' quest.
Note: This quest can only be turned in to Sir Kuss.

Your first task is to descend into the Crypt - find out what happened to my Knights that were stationed there to guard against Sepulchure's Chaos-infected armour. Go to the /chaoscrypt and find out why the Knights have stopped reporting in! Sir Kuss should be stationed outside - speak to him first!

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 500 Exp

Quest Location: Swordhaven Castle (Location)
Quests Begun From: King Alteon (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Rescue the Knights' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

We have received word that the wolves are ranging closer to town than ever before, and they are acting strangely. There are also reports of a bear coming down from the hills - that hasn't happened in all my years. Please go to the woods and return with samples so that we may study the progression of the Chaos infection.

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 600 Exp


Quest Location: Banquet
Quests Begun From: King Alteon (NPC)

You will have to fight your way out to get help, Hero! You can't take on the whole Castle Guard yourself, that would be crazy! Clear the rooms of all the Chaorrupted Knights so that you can more easily find assistance.

Items Required:


  • 300 Gold
  • 300 Exp

Thanks to the magic caster.

Quest Location: Tournament of Hearts
Quests Begun From: King Alteon (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

I need you to ensure that no one cheats, Hero. With such a valuable prize to win, we must make sure only a deserving Champoin suceeds. Find any suspicious Surveliance Bots and see if any plots are afoot in the Swordhaven Streets

Items Required:

  • Bot Disabled x5
  • Crumpled Clue x5
    • Click on the blue arrows around the map


  • 400 Gold
  • 400 Exp

Thanks to Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: Queen's Reign
Quests Begun From:

Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Energy Orb' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Not only does the Calcifying process kill its victims, it controls their bodies afterwards. Free these Amethites from their terrible fate as Grou'luu's puppets.

Items Required:


  • 5,000 Gold
  • 20,000 Exp

Removed Quests:


Requirements: Must have completed the Collect the Gold! quest.

You are transported to Swordhaven Castle (Location)

If Good:

King Alteon: I'm Alteon, King of Swordhaven. I commend you for your brave effort in holding back the forces of evil but as you know, our deadliest threat right now is Drakath!
King Alteon: Have you come to help us in our fight against Chaos. We need all the help we can find against the new threat to our peaceful existence.
King Alteon: True supporters of Good are always welcome in my court. In order to face Drakath with our strongest might, we must learn all we can about Chaos.
King Alteon: What enables us to achieve things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is knowledge. Foreknowledge will allow us to counter Chaos with the greatest possibility of success.
King Alteon: Your first task is to descend into the Crypt- find out what happened to my Knights that were stationed there to guard against Sepulchure's chaos-infected armour. If what I fear has come true- they have been turned to Chaos themselves.
King Alteon: Help us recover them and take them to the infirmary. Mayhap someday in the future we will be able to cleanse them of that vile taint.

If Evil:

King Alteon: We may be working together in this time of Chaos… but how do I know I trust all of you? You have chose to support the Shadowscythe, but we need to work together to find out all that can about Chaos.
King Alteon: To prove that you will work WITH me, and not against me, I need proof that you are willing to work for the common good.
You: Common GOOD? Who do you think you're talking to, here?
King Alteon: If not the common good then at least work together to find out as much about Chaos as we can. Knowledge is power - the more we know about Chaos and how it works, the stronger we will be at the final battle.
King Alteon: Your first task is to descend into the Crypt- find out what happened to my Knights that were stationed there to guard against Sepulchure's chaos-infected armour. If what I fear has come true- they have been turned to Chaos themselves.
King Alteon: Help us recover them and take them to the infirmary. Mayhap someday in the future we will be able to cleanse them of that vile taint.

You are transported to Chaos Crypt

Items Required: Chaorrupted Knight x 5 (knight rescued)
Item Location: Chaos Crypt
Rewards: None
Quest Complete!
Chaorrupted knights Rescued
The knights inside the crypt that were guarding Sepulchure's Armor have been rescued. Return them to King Alteon so they can be cared for. There are reports of Chaos
infecting the countryside. Please return to King Alteon - he requires further aide.

Return to Swordhaven or Stay here longer….

When returning to Swordhaven:

King Alteon: Thanks for bringing back my Knights from the crypt. Im going to put my best healers to work on finding a cure on the Chaos infection. Hopefully one day we will find a cure.
King Alteon: The more information we can discover about how Chaos is infecting the countryside, the better prepared we will be in our coming battles.
King Alteon: The wolves are ranging close to town than ever before, and they are acting strangely. There are also reports of a bear coming down from the hills - that hasn't happened in all my years.
King Alteon: Please go to the woods and return with samples so that we may study the progression of the Chaos infection.

Forest of Chaos or Done

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