Kill It! Kill It! Kill It!
- Laguna Beach - Plays after completing the 'Blow it up!' quest
«Scene: Xang, Teja, Hero and Drakath on Screen 9 of Laguna Beach»
Drakath: This is it… this is where the Chaos is strongest.
Teja: But there be nothin' and no one here, 'cept
Hero: …this giant, beating heart.
Drakath: What has she done?
«Scene: Drakath kicking the Heart of Chaos with his hand»
Drakath: What did she create this from?? Is it a piece of herself… or has this life formed from Chaos itself?
«Scene: Heart of Chaos attacks Hero and Drakath with it's tentacles»
Drakath: Gah!
Hero: Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!
«Scene: Close up on Xang»
Xang: WITH FIRE!!!!
«Scene fades»
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