Chaos General and Drakath's Current Second in Command
I can see the look of surprise on your face. You did not expect the forces of chaos to come to your aid. Drakath does not want to see you destroyed by the Queen, Hero. That is something he's saving for himself. Personally I think he has plans for you… although he is never clear about this sort of thing. Know this though, the forces of chaos will always fight with you against the Queen.
You're wondering why I am called the "current" chaos general aren't you? Drakath has a handful of generals and we are all equally ranked. At any moment one of the others could sabotage my efforts, or outshine me, and they would become Drakath's new second in command. That's the nature of chaos. Your position can change at any moment. It forces you to always have your guard up and to always be strong.
- Khaollater's Quests
- Story Quests
- New Year Merge
With Northpointe Key VIII in your inventory:
Chaos General and Drakath's Current Second in Command
Thank you again, <Hero>. Our victory here today ensures that I will remain Drakath's second in command… at least for a while longer. The other generals will be disappointed. You'll get to meet them for yourself soon enough and I'll be there to show you around when you do.
You're wondering why I am called the "current" chaos general aren't you? Drakath has a handful of generals and we are all equally ranked. At any moment one of the others could sabotage my efforts, or outshine me, and they would become Drakath's new second in command. That's the nature of chaos. Your position can change at any moment. It forces you to always have your guard up and to always be strong.
- Khaollater's Quests
- Story Quests
- New Year Merge
Location: Grim Attack

Thanks to Amduscia and Tristyn.
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