Survivor of the Packaging District
The HAMM Processed Meat Factory: advanced, efficient, and automated. Its assembly lines are run by a central AI, the SNeevil Overseer Workstation - SNOW for short - that processes ingredients with minimal supervision. But we made it too smart - and now it's killing us!
- Extinction Games RaresOMG What Happened?
The system's software became corrupted - now it's PLAYING with us! It thinks WE'RE the food, and it's trying to process all of the factory's employees! I need you to help me get them out before they all become HAMM.
- Katnip Sneevilgreen's Quests
After completing the 'SN.O.W. Fall' quest:
Survivor of the Packaging District
Thanks to you, SN.O.W. has been shut down for good, and many HAMM workers have been saved. Rebuilding the factory will be a long process, but this time we'll run it ourselves. And we'll always remember the sacrifices of the brave workers in the Packaging District.
- Extinction Games RaresOMG What Happened?
The system's software became corrupted - now it's PLAYING with us! It thinks WE'RE the food, and it's trying to process all of the factory's employees! I need you to help me get them out before they all become HAMM.
- Katnip Sneevilgreen's Quests
- Challenge!
Location: Extinction
Note: This NPC is a parody of Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games.
Thanks to Tristyn.
Meet this NPC in our free web game at www.AQ.com!