Jump to: Shirin Grove, Green Shell.
Quest Location: Shinrin Grove
Quests Begun From: Kame (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Get Rid of Kame' quest.
The utoroshi who lives above the gates has our village blocked off! Normally it only attacks evil people, but all of this negative energy has been making it hostile to everyone. We can lure it down with its favorite food - sauteed reishi! But to make that, we need fire… and reishi!
Items Required:
- Reishi Caps x6
- Dropped by Reishi (Level 23) (Version 1)
- Tsurubebi Flame x3
- Dropped by Tsurubebi
- 500 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 500 Rep : Yokai
Thanks to hecyon.
Quest Location: Green Shell
Quests Begun From: Kame (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Summon Otoroshi' quest.
- Put out the Fire
- Expell the Tsukumogami
- Convince the Kodama
- Refill the Barrels
- How to Breathe Underwater
- Search for the Shinrin Do
- Take the Shinrin Do
- Battle for the Shinrin Do
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
We gotta get these fires put out! Go to the lake and collect as many buckets of water as you can find. Then, fight those Tsurubebi, and extinguish them!
Items Required:
- Water Bucket x5
- Click on the blue arrows around the map
- Tsurubebi Extinguished x5
- Dropped by Tsurubebi
- 1,000 Gold
- 3,000 Exp
- 1,000 Rep : Yokai
Thanks to hecyon.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!