Kalestri Spellsword

Location: Cave of Wanders
Level: 33
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 3,400
- Slash: 38-47
- Multiple Slash: 38-47
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Dark Medallion (Dropped during the 'They've Gone Dark' quest)
- Evil Essence (Dropped during the 'Essentially Evil' quest)
- Star of the Sandsea (Dropped during the 'Star of the Sandsea' quest)
- Talisman of Renewal (Dropped during the 'Must Be All Those Limbs' quest)
- The Third Wish (Dropped during the 'The Third Wish' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Gilt Mace of Kalestri
- Golden Axe of Kalestri
- Kalestri Cutlass
- Kalestri Polearm
- Map Enchantment Spell
- Sandsea Sickles
- Treasure Chest (Misc)

Thanks to Cris2444, Draconian 7345, Eragon 13, Element Die, PkerSlayer and Tendou no Mazo.
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