High Chronolord
We must find Xeven's Tachyon Blades before they fall into the wrong hands! We know they were lost somewhere in the Time Void - we just need to figure out where. Don't worry, I have a plan.
Tachyon Detector
How are we going to find the blades, you ask? I have a device that detects tachyon particles… a Tachyon Detector, if you will. We'll use it to track where the blades went. That should be easy, right?
Green Portals?
These portals weren't created by the Tachyon Blades, so they don't work the same way. They only travel one direction - a portal you can enter will be green, and the one you come out will be grey. You won't be able to travel back through the grey portals. Remember: green means go, grey means no!
- Kairos' Quests
- Chronos Class Quest
- Tachyon Merge
After completing the 'Winter Winds' quest:
High Chronolord
The Tachyon Blades are… in the Devourer's stomach?! Well, I guess there's only one way to get them out. Get your blade ready… but first you have to open the Megaportal!
Tachyon Detector
How are we going to find the blades, you ask? I have a device that detects tachyon particles… a Tachyon Detector, if you will. We'll use it to track where the blades went. That should be easy, right?
Green Portals?
These portals weren't created by the Tachyon Blades, so they don't work the same way. They only travel one direction - a portal you can enter will be green, and the one you come out will be grey. You won't be able to travel back through the grey portals. Remember: green means go, grey means no!
- Kairos' Quests
- Chronos Class Quest
- Tachyon Merge
After completing the 'Opening the Megaportal' quest:
High Chronolord
So, the Devourer, um, devoured the Tachyon Blades. I wasn't expecting that! You'll have to collect all of the pieces if we're to put them back together gain. Once you have them all, come see me again; I'll merge them back together for you.
Tachyon Detector
How are we going to find the blades, you ask? I have a device that detects tachyon particles… a Tachyon Detector, if you will. We'll use it to track where the blades went. That should be easy, right?
Green Portals?
These portals weren't created by the Tachyon Blades, so they don't work the same way. They only travel one direction - a portal you can enter will be green, and the one you come out will be grey. You won't be able to travel back through the grey portals. Remember: green means go, grey means no!
- Also see:

Thanks to Apus and Tris.
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