Kabasaran Waranei

Location: Wentira
Level: 50
Difficulty: 4 stars
Total HP: 400,000
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Crimson Cloth (Dropped during the 'Boarish Audacity' quest)
- Waranei Spear (Dropped during the 'Dark Dance' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Actin' a Foal
- Ancient Bone
- Beloved Blessing Hair
- Beloved Blessing Locks
- Blessed Beloved's Kris Knife
- Kabasaran Adornment
- Kabasaran Bone Club
- Kabasaran Bone Clubs
- Kabasaran Cape
- Kabasaran Headdress
- Kabasaran Sword
- Kabasaran Swords
- Krupuk Cracker Container (House Item)
- Krupuk Cracker Container (Mace)
- Krupuk Cracker Containers
- Sheathed Blessed Beloved's Kris
- Sheathed Kabasaran Sword
- Shoulder Barn Owl
- South Sea Queen's Trident
- South Sea Queen's Tridents
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Uncut Ruby
- Wentira Abode
- Wentiran Seal
- Wiracana Fan
- Enrage: Upon reaching 60% remaining HP, Kabasaran Waranbi enrages, increasing outgoing damage by 100%, causing Santet to always crit, and reducing the cooldown of Jump Strike to 1 second.
- Cannot be stunned.

Thanks to Lee X.
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