
The NPCs are going to face the Brain Matters in the final round of this Battle of the Bands. It's shady of them to lie about composing my songs, but Doomwood is pretty lawless. Great place to get inspiration from any other day, though. I've made a set list that even the earless undead are going to riot over. Artix and the others have been rehearsing nonstop, and you'll have front seats to our show. Consider it thanks for this big favor you're doing us.

After completing the 'Lacking Brain Substance' quest:

That felt good! Putting a bunch of, metaphorically, soulless hacks in their place wasn't something I thought I'd ever be involved in. It was a concert to remember, and the crowd in Doomwood was fun to perform for after the Brain Matters fans got kicked out. That was all you, and I can't thank you enough. Rest assured, you'll be hearing a lot from me in your coming adventures.

Location: Skull Dome


Thanks to Tux47.

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