Jonathan Coulton's Quests

Quest Location: Skullcrusher Mountain
Quests Begun From: Jonathan Coulton
- Like a Literal Pack of Wolves
- Thin the Ranks
- Defeat Lieutenant Scarface
- Locate the Lords of Order
- Defeat Undead Artix
Requirements: Must have completed Paul & Storm's Quests
Every DoomPaladin has his trusty pack of rabid wolves. So, heh, in your world… do regular paladins have a fleet of yappy pomeranians or something? *cough* Uh huh.. moving on! If you wanna get that Shadowreaper of Doom, you will have to get past the DoomPally's defenses. Defeat 10 of his wolves and bring back undisputed proof of your success!
Items Required:
- Defeated Wolf x10
- Dropped by Wolf (Level 5)
- 300 Gold
- 300 Exp
Thanks to Hina.
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