Mad Bass Guitarist/Scientist
We've got to make progress while Vordred is watching. If we don't cooperate, he'll have us experiment on each other until there's only one left. The winner gets added to his collection of skulls. … We DISSECT body parts. We're not supposed to BECOME them! I know you have a plan, Hero… I just hope it works!
After completing the 'Sending Out a SOS to the World' quest:
Mad Bass Guitarist/Scientist
I like the way you think, Hero! Not in rigid lines, like some straight-laced scholar. No, you think outside the beaker! We'll make a scientist of you yet! Before you know it, you'll be cackling maniacally and splicing genes into juggernauts! Let's get this plan of yours underway!
After completing the 'Ample Amp Requireds' quest:
Mad Bass Guitarist/Scientist
That's it. I've got to go warm up as soon as possible. The frequencies I'll produce are integral to the experiment. Vordred will be able to tell if we're not all performing to the best of our abilities. And YOU had better perform just as well; we're counting on you! And not in 4/4 time, either. Go! BattleROCK ON!
After completing the 'Charging Up!' quest:
Mad Bass Guitarist/Scientist
Thank you, Hero, for freeing us from Vordred's control! The destruction of our Lab prevented us from retaliating, but if it's any consolation. I think he may be experiencing some slight hearing loss. I'm sure you can use that to your advantage! We are going to build our Lab back up, better, louder, and with MORE POWER CAPACITY! FOR SCIENCE! AHAHAHAHAHA!

Thanks to Haileym1 and Tendou no Mazo.
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