
Before completing "Gravelyn's Stolen Soldiers" quest:

Cooperative Forest Elf
Your presence here disrupts the balance of magic.

After completing "Gravelyn's Stolen Soldiers" quest:

Cooperative Forest Elf
Thank you for saving me! You are brave to venture down here, Hero. Your friend in green walks these halls with assurance, but she knows this area. I do not know you. Take care while you are here; these Caverns have been poisoned by Graveclaw's Magic, but even before that, this land and my people were not kind of strangers

We lived well here, my mother tells me. Before the Chaos grew uptoo strong and we had to flee. Even now, some of my kin come to test their battle skills on the creatures who dwell in Caverns. I did not want to come, I cannot stand the psychic stink of Chaorruption that taints the forest.

- JiSerai's Quests

After completing JiSerai's Quests:

Cooperative Forest Elf
Seek out Robina near the end of the Shattersword Cavern.

We lived well here, my mother tells me. Before the Chaos grew uptoo strong and we had to flee. Even now, some of my kin come to test their battle skills on the creatures who dwell in Caverns. I did not want to come, I cannot stand the psychic stink of Chaorruption that taints the forest.

Location: Shattersword Cavern


Thanks to rickyb20 and Tendou no Mazo.

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