First things first. We gotta do something about these Magpies! Squish one, and another 10 take its place. But if you squish enough of them… yeah, I think you know where I'm going with this.
Gross, they're all over your shoes! At least, I hope that's what that is.
Items Required:
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The portal motor in this thing is completely shot. I'm going to need some spare parts if I have any hope of fixing it. You might be able to find some stuck to the Junk Golems. I'll write up a list, and then you can go collect them all.
Hmm… hmmmmmmm… yeah, I think that'll do it!
Items Required:
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I just need a few sparks of portal electricity, and this motor will be up and running again! Get it from the Portal Manifestations.
Items Required:
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I'm going to need some good, strong metal to weld these broken pieces back together with. That's the sort of thing that tends to gravitate to the Junk Golems after awhile. See if you can find me some.
Yes, yes, yes! This is perfect.
Items Required:
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
And now we need some portal flame to heat the forge. I bet you know where you can find THAT. No? Well here's a hint: check the Portal Manifestations.
Careful… we don't want me to get burned.
Items Required:
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Now, we just need to find that forge. I know it's around here somewhere, but… with all of these Magpies, the piles of stuff are constantly shifting. I can never find anything! But YOU can, right? You're supposed to be some big hero or something. Well? Get a move on!
Items Required:
- Forge Found x1
- Click on the pile of junk on Screen 6
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Where's all the coal?! The Magpies must have stolen it! Oh, why must they make my life so difficult? Get it back.
Those little thieves. I hate them so.
Items Required:
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Aaaah! What the heck is that thing? What is even WRONG with this place? Well, hero, hurry up and save us!
Items Required:
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
They STOLE it! Those filthy, stinking magpies stole my Portal Chakram! WE HAVE TO GET IT BACK! Find find it!
Hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE!
Items Required:
- A Whole Lotta Nothing x10
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
There's a tracker for this thing around here somewhere. Only, it's not where I left it. It must have gotten sucked into one of the Junk Golems. Find it, find it!
Items Required:
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Ok. Ok. This is all going to be fine. They may have my chakram, but now we can track it. Just follow the trail of energy, and you'll find it.
Items Required:
- Chakram Traced
- Click on the blue arrow on Screen 9
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Get it back, get it back! Those Magpies can't get away with stealing my chakram! Teach them a lesson, and get. It. BACK! I'll wait here.
Items Required:
Thanks to ShatteredReality.