Quest Location: Tercessuinotlim
Quests Begun From: Jadzia
- Starting off Small
- Those Who Don't Learn...
- Chibification Nation
- A Little Fiendly Sparring
- Working Shard, or Shardly Working?
- The Wanderer's Words
The closest relatives to Makai on Lore are the Moglins- who are prone to becoming stronger with outside influence. Perhaps we can learn how to transfer these mutations onto our own underlings? Some specimens and the subspecies from the RedDeath Swamp and the Chaos Lab should serve as excellent starting points.
Items Required:
- Makai Captured x15
- Dropped by Dark Makai (Level 25)
- Chaorrupted Mutation x5
- Dropped by Chaorrupted Moglin
- RedDeath Mutation x5
- Dropped by RedDeath Moglin
- Wraith Mutation x5
- Dropped by Swamp Wraith
- 2,000 Gold
- 5,000 Exp
- Must have completed the 'The Wanderer's Words' quest.
- Must be Level 70.
You wish to study the Archfiend himself? Fool. There is no need to try to improve what is already divine- but you are welcome to try. Face him in combat, and bring us a record of his missteps in combat. I'm sure his majesty will be pleased to know how he can reach even further heights…once he is finished tearing you to pieces, of course.
Items Required:
- Archfiend Analysis x1
- Dropped by Nulgath (Monster) (Level 100)
- 2,000 Gold
- 7,500 Exp
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