
Nation Loremaster
This is a historic moment, and you're lucky enough to witness it. Oblivion's been a loyal follower of Master Nulgath since the very beginning - a period shrouded in mystery. Whenever I asked him about it, the Archfiend would just smirk. This is my chance to find out what Oblivion did to get such a high position, and what he's done to lose it all.

Every so often, Master Nulgath goes off on his own to 'check on old haunts.' The Northlands is one such location. It's a sea of snow and ice that is always bigger than you think. Interestingly, the amount of people who died lost in the snow was significantly higher before Master Nulgath became the Archfiend. It's an odd correlation, but this may have been where Oblivion first knelt for the Nation.

Oblivion's the last person I'd believe would desert the Nation. He may even be the Archfiend's first follower, though I do find that theory highly debatable. It's likely he was the only member of the Nation from the early days that survived this long, which is strange. Oblivion's a pushover in a fight- at least, by Nation standards. The reason Master Nulgath keeps him around is something he's quite coy about.

Nulgath the Archfiend, a mortal who became one of the greatest Evils of Lore when he made contact with the Fiend God. Adimonde had other favorites, but Master Nulgath has been the only Archfiend long before written history. That's easy to claim, but impossible to prove. As to who Adimonde's other favorites were…there are barely any traces left. Master Nulgath said their entire existences were eaten away by teeth and time.

After completing the 'Allure of the Void' quest:

Nation Loremaster
I may lose my extremities to the elements, but it'll be worth it! We finally have fragments of a timeline! The Fiend God would choose a favorite to become his Archfiend. They would grow a Nation of Evil, reach their potential, be betrayed by their successor, and fed to Adimonde. It's a cycle he perpetuates through specific choices… until something happened to Oblivion. There's a gap between his reign and Master Nulgath's.

Every so often, Master Nulgath goes off on his own to 'check on old haunts.' The Northlands is one such location. It's a sea of snow and ice that is always bigger than you think. Interestingly, the amount of people who died lost in the snow was significantly higher before Master Nulgath became the Archfiend. It's an odd correlation, but this may have been where Oblivion first knelt for the Nation.

Oblivion's the last person I'd believe would desert the Nation. He may even be the Archfiend's first follower, though I do find that theory highly debatable. It's likely he was the only member of the Nation from the early days that survived this long, which is strange. Oblivion's a pushover in a fight- at least, by Nation standards. The reason Master Nulgath keeps him around is something he's quite coy about.

Nulgath the Archfiend, a mortal who became one of the greatest Evils of Lore when he made contact with the Fiend God. Adimonde had other favorites, but Master Nulgath has been the only Archfiend long before written history. That's easy to claim, but impossible to prove. As to who Adimonde's other favorites were…there are barely any traces left. Master Nulgath said their entire existences were eaten away by teeth and time.



  • Appears in Tercessuinotlim after completing the 'Contract With the Abyss' quest.
  • Shoulder note translates to "NULGATH THE ALMIGHTY POWER OVER ALL".
  • Also see Fiendish Loremaster.

Thanks to Bad.

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