Nation Loremaster
This is a historic moment, and you're lucky enough to witness it. Oblivion's been a loyal follower of Master Nulgath since the very beginning - a period shrouded in mystery. Whenever I asked him about it, the Archfiend would just smirk. This is my chance to find out what Oblivion did to get such a high position, and what he's done to lose it all.
Every so often, Master Nulgath goes off on his own to 'check on old haunts.' The Northlands is one such location. It's a sea of snow and ice that is always bigger than you think. Interestingly, the amount of people who died lost in the snow was significantly higher before Master Nulgath became the Archfiend. It's an odd correlation, but this may have been where Oblivion first knelt for the Nation.
Oblivion's the last person I'd believe would desert the Nation. He may even be the Archfiend's first follower, though I do find that theory highly debatable. It's likely he was the only member of the Nation from the early days that survived this long, which is strange. Oblivion's a pushover in a fight- at least, by Nation standards. The reason Master Nulgath keeps him around is something he's quite coy about.
Nulgath the Archfiend, a mortal who became one of the greatest Evils of Lore when he made contact with the Fiend God. Adimonde had other favorites, but Master Nulgath has been the only Archfiend long before written history. That's easy to claim, but impossible to prove. As to who Adimonde's other favorites were…there are barely any traces left. Master Nulgath said their entire existences were eaten away by teeth and time.
After completing the 'Allure of the Void' quest:
Nation Loremaster
I may lose my extremities to the elements, but it'll be worth it! We finally have fragments of a timeline! The Fiend God would choose a favorite to become his Archfiend. They would grow a Nation of Evil, reach their potential, be betrayed by their successor, and fed to Adimonde. It's a cycle he perpetuates through specific choices… until something happened to Oblivion. There's a gap between his reign and Master Nulgath's.
Every so often, Master Nulgath goes off on his own to 'check on old haunts.' The Northlands is one such location. It's a sea of snow and ice that is always bigger than you think. Interestingly, the amount of people who died lost in the snow was significantly higher before Master Nulgath became the Archfiend. It's an odd correlation, but this may have been where Oblivion first knelt for the Nation.
Oblivion's the last person I'd believe would desert the Nation. He may even be the Archfiend's first follower, though I do find that theory highly debatable. It's likely he was the only member of the Nation from the early days that survived this long, which is strange. Oblivion's a pushover in a fight- at least, by Nation standards. The reason Master Nulgath keeps him around is something he's quite coy about.
Nulgath the Archfiend, a mortal who became one of the greatest Evils of Lore when he made contact with the Fiend God. Adimonde had other favorites, but Master Nulgath has been the only Archfiend long before written history. That's easy to claim, but impossible to prove. As to who Adimonde's other favorites were…there are barely any traces left. Master Nulgath said their entire existences were eaten away by teeth and time.
Nation Loremaster
Jadzia mutters to herself, frantically writing whatever comes to mind in her book. This is the only way she can stay conscious, and fight off the obliviating effects of the black tundra. In between the looping circles of ink are her new discoveries. You ignore the many instances where she described Oblivion as a gloomy loser.
Adimonde chose Oblivion as his Archfiend before Nulgath. Before him was a scholar named Casimir. The Fiend God picks them to devour the world in his name, but once they reach their full potential, they're betrayed and replaced by their successor. This happens without fail, and Adimonde feeds. Is it left to probability, or does Adimonde use causality? Does he even need to leave his realm?
Oblivion was a Darkness Elemental transformed into a Fiend, and granted power and will unafforded to him when he was created. He was betrayed by his mentor, and crushed by the revelation of an unbreakable cycle. Now, he's manifested a domain of influence. Those who approach his brooding form lose the will to live, and their husks are possessed by his Void. The darkness all around us… it's Oblivion's body.
Void's Nature
Casimir had an unceasing hunger for knowledge, and kept it all for himself. Possibly the cause of gaps in our written history. Curiosity and pride as a mentor led to his downfall. Oblivion's ambition collapsed into despair. It manifested as an aura of hunger and emptiness that robs others of the will to live. Adimonde chose Master Nulgath to restart the cycle after Oblivion stopped moving. What sort of Void does he embody? What are the Fiend God's plans?
- Fiendish LoreMaster Merge
After completing the 'Remember to Breathe' quest:
Nation Loremaster
Of course this was another one of Master Nulgath's tests. Though I did gain an incredible amount of knowledge and a deeper look into the Nation's history, I almost died. This plan to weed out weakness and measure Oblivion's power only concerns warriors. I don't need to do chin-ups to wield a quill! Oh, you want to take a look at my notes again? Go ahead. They're pretty rough, but I'll reorganize them when I'm back at the temple.
Adimonde chose Oblivion as his Archfiend before Nulgath. Before him was a scholar named Casimir. The Fiend God picks them to devour the world in his name, but once they reach their full potential, they're betrayed and replaced by their successor. This happens without fail, and Adimonde feeds. Is it left to probability, or does Adimonde use causality? Does he even need to leave his realm?
Oblivion was a Darkness Elemental transformed into a Fiend, and granted power and will unafforded to him when he was created. He was betrayed by his mentor, and crushed by the revelation of an unbreakable cycle. Now, he's manifested a domain of influence. Those who approach his brooding form lose the will to live, and their husks are possessed by his Void. The darkness all around us… it's Oblivion's body.
Void's Nature
Casimir had an unceasing hunger for knowledge, and kept it all for himself. Possibly the cause of gaps in our written history. Curiosity and pride as a mentor led to his downfall. Oblivion's ambition collapsed into despair. It manifested as an aura of hunger and emptiness that robs others of the will to live. Adimonde chose Master Nulgath to restart the cycle after Oblivion stopped moving. What sort of Void does he embody? What are the Fiend God's plans?
- Fiendish LoreMaster Merge
Nation Loremaster
The new Temple's existence was unknown to the Nation, the Shadowscythe, and even the Swordhaven Royalty until now. With the Evil Faction's wide network of spies, as well as the supposed bond between Good and Light, our unwitting ignorance should have been impossible. Master Nulgath tasked me with finding out as much as I could about this Temple and the machinations of the Light. Allow me to share what I found.
You may already know that the old Temple of Light was ruined by an attack from the Necromancer Noxus. We are standing on the grounds of the New Temple of Light, located near the town where the late Queen Lynaria was born. Interestingly, this temple was built without notifying the Swordhaven Royalty or the Priestess Celestia. I wonder if they would be allowed access to the Temple of Light if they knew about it earlier.
People can be used as symbols. That statue of the late Queen Lynaria in the courtyard was built without Queen Victoria's permission. Perhaps the leaders of this Temple thought they had the right to do so because of her deep ties to Light. Lynaria is a tragic figure beloved by the peasantry. I can see the benefits of touting her face around as a symbol of The Light, along with these gaudy facades of Celeritas.
The clerics and warriors that managed this temple and its followers had close interaction with the Light Elementals. This allowed the mortals to harness the power of Light to a deeper degree than any other Light-aligned organization. Said groups were in the process of becoming followers. Take note, Elementals have not worked this close to mortals since the ancient days of Planar Conflict between the Elements.
Nation Loremaster
<Hero>, is it? Master Nulgath speaks quite highly of you. I am Jadzia, head of the Nation Loremasters. If you truly are worthy of the praise the Archfiend bestows upon you, perhaps you would be interested in aiding us with our studies? The Nation would be happy to compensate you for your time- as well as for any Lore Scrolls or ‘specimens’ you bring to us.
Nation Loremasters are not only scribes, but also the scientists and researchers of the Nation.The more we learn about ourselves, the abyss and our master Nulgath, the better we can serve him. To fully aid him, we must understand and remove the imperfections and flaws that plague his domain.. no matter how many must be sacrificed during the pursuit of doing so. One cannot make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.
To build a stronger Nation, we must begin from the ground up. When the weak grow strong, the strong are forced to grow stronger, lest they become the weak themselves. In the Archfiend’s army, the Makai are the lowest of the low. But with a slight nudge in the right direction, they may have the potential to become so much more.
Our lord’s more prevalent followers have previously made their names in the Nation through a combination of strength, cruelty and cunning- but nowadays, even the strongest among them are content to grow weak as they wait. Simply pathetic. By studying their flaws, we can create future champions who do not possess such weaknesses. Those who remain must improve, or be crushed underfoot.
Fiend Shard
The denizens of the Abyss have all heard tales of the Fiend Shard, but only those closest to him- myself included- know the finer details of its existence. If we could study and master the crystal, which holds the power of the great demon Adimonde, the Nation would be able to crush all of Lore in a fortnight. Why then, I wonder, is our master so reluctant to allow us access to it?
The continued existence of Taro Blademaster is one that not even I fully understand. It is perplexing, to say the least, as to why a Horc such as himself not only chooses to walk the path of the samurai, but to live in a domain such as this when he has no loyalty or debt to its ruler. And yet, his power speaks for itself. One cannot live in this abyss without being a monster in their own right. Intriguing, is it not?
- Taro's Diary
- Jadzia's Quests
After completing the 'The Wanderer's Words' quest:
Nation Loremaster
Our power grows with every discovery, and the Archfiend is pleased. Do not worry, <Hero>.. your efforts have not gone unnoticed. The diary you recovered from Taro is yours to read, and master Nulgath has permitted me to share the armory of the Nation Loremasters with you. You are welcome to continue assisting us whenever you like. After all, there is always more to learn.
- Jadzia's Quests
- Bonus Quest
- Fiendish LoreMaster Merge
- Taro's Diary
Nation Loremaster
Master Nulgath has asked me to take residence in the new Temple of Light to aid you in defeating three threats. Ah, it's called Termina Temple now? He emphasized the importance of this task, and who am I to argue the terms of my contract? I'm not excited about having to stay in a place that gives me migraines, however the possibility of attaining forbidden knowledge is tantalizing
The Archfiend sends his regards, and acknowledges that he is forbidden from requesting your aid in conflicts between Good and Evil. Blame it on how important contracts are to the Nation, but he wants a clearer definition of 'conflict.' Is aid only forbidden if he calls for the Queen's head? Would personal matters be considered outside of the Good and Evil conflicts? Make time to sort that out.
As with the Empire and the Legion, the Nation is temporarily pulling out of Greenguard to await further instruction from their leaders. The Alliance of Good and Evil will not be dissolving immediately to allow time for all members to pull out of each other's territories. That's a shame, because the food at Yulgar's Inn was a lot better than anything I had in Tercessuinotlim. Shadowfall doesn't even have restaurants.
Master Nulgath asked me to copy the journal you found when you first investigated the new Temple of Light. Rest easy- the original was handed over to Lorekeep Muusa. You can find it in her Library in the lower levels. Shakaz here has been ordered by Empress Gravelyn to give you anything that might be of help. Tellingly, there isn't a legionnaire to be found. To be expected of Dage the Empty.
Nation Loremaster
This is as far as I go. Any further, and I'll be disobeying Master Nulgath. A select few, Carnage included, are allowed to see what the Shard can do when it reaches capacity- but only the Blood Void himself is permitted to hear. Everyone who went with him was deafened.
I'm under strict orders to stay here, and wait for Carnage to return with the stolen Shard. By then, Carcano will be taken care of at the Blood Void's discretion, and I will neutralize the Shard in the Master's stead. Only a select few can see what the Shard can do, and even less are allowed to hear. Everyone but Carnage has been magically deafened so they can't listen to the cries of Adimonde's Void. I'm curious, but I don't have a death wish.
This isn't the first time a Shard has reached capacity. Yes, it greatly increases Master Nulgath's power but he prefers Lore as it is, and not in a…digested state. To have a shard twisting space like this isn't ideal, so the Nation will typically neutralize it, and fuse it to one of our finest Fiends to empower them. One such shard was meant for the most promising of Nulgath's students, but he sealed it away when Dage betrayed him.
The Blood Void was practically born a fiend, and incredibly loyal to Master Nulgath - as if being the perfect student was the entire point of his existence. I believe the Master personally trained him in combat when he arrived… he was about ten or twelve at the time. This would be unusual, but we believed he was the 'worthy weapon' our Oracles spoke of. I'm on good terms with him, and agreed to help keep Anarky away from the Nation. Was I the last one to know?
After completing the 'Famiglia di Carcano' quest:
Nation Loremaster
The Shard has been neutralized, given to its intended hosts, and Empress Gravelyn witnessed my Master's intentions firsthand. All in all, a success, and I never have to deal with Carnage's personal life again. Tch, I just tempted fate, but who cares. Honestly, I can't wait to get back to the Temple to knock back another of Hans' smoothies. Don't tell Master Nulgath I said that.
I'm under strict orders to stay here, and wait for Carnage to return with the stolen Shard. By then, Carcano will be taken care of at the Blood Void's discretion, and I will neutralize the Shard in the Master's stead. Only a select few can see what the Shard can do, and even less are allowed to hear. Everyone but Carnage has been magically deafened so they can't listen to the cries of Adimonde's Void. I'm curious, but I don't have a death wish.
This isn't the first time a Shard has reached capacity. Yes, it greatly increases Master Nulgath's power but he prefers Lore as it is, and not in a…digested state. To have a shard twisting space like this isn't ideal, so the Nation will typically neutralize it, and fuse it to one of our finest Fiends to empower them. One such shard was meant for the most promising of Nulgath's students, but he sealed it away when Dage betrayed him.
The Blood Void was practically born a fiend, and incredibly loyal to Master Nulgath - as if being the perfect student was the entire point of his existence. I believe the Master personally trained him in combat when he arrived… he was about ten or twelve at the time. This would be unusual, but we believed he was the 'worthy weapon' our Oracles spoke of. I'm on good terms with him, and agreed to help keep Anarky away from the Nation. Was I the last one to know?
Nation Loremaster
I don't remember Master Nulgath asking for your assistance on this matter. There's nothing to concern yourself with here… wait, is that the Empress? Who told her about this? And that Paladin - oh, for the love of - get out of here, you lot! No, I can't tell the Nation's forces to stop attacking you. Carnage is leading them, and he made me promise to keep Miss Anarky out of the way. Tsk… I don't suppose I could convince you to leave quietly?
Advocatus Carcano's actions have earned him the honor of being hunted by some of the Nation's finest- including our Outriders and Carnage, the Blood Void. You wouldn't see this turnout for most other worms who think they can pull off what Dage managed to do. They're usually irritating pests in comparison, and Master Nulgath need not bother himself with them. It's the way Carcano's contract reacted to being broken that… mystifies us.
The Nation's Void casters are under my guidance, not my leadership. I'm a Loremaster- mindless battle makes me fall asleep on my feet. The Nation wouldn't need me to impart my knowledge here unless this was a special case. Wait, you already know about the… 'dying star'? Yes, I suppose that comparison is accurate. They both do the same thing, at least. I'm just here to ensure that the Casters know how to restabilize the 'star' once we retrieve it.
You and the Empress have been nothing but kind to me during my stay at the Temple, and I would absolutely speak to Master Nulgath on your behalf if I could. Unfortunately, Carnage is the one leading this operation. You see, the ArchFiend has given him an… ultimatum of sorts. The Blood Void is known to be extremely loyal to the Nation, and if he captures Carcano, he'll become a part of Master's new inner circle- but if not, he'll be losing far more than just his rank. That's why Miss Anarky needs to leave- for her sake, if no one else's.