Jackery Tombstone's Quests
Quest Location: Deadly Dungeon
Quests Begun From:
- Deadly Dungeon - Button on the top right corner
- Jackery Tombstone
- Floor 1
- Floor 2
- Floor 3
- Floor 4
- Floor 5
- Floor 6
- Floor 7
- Floor 8
- Floor 9
- Floor 10
- Floor 11
- Floor 12
- Floor 13
- Floor 14
- Floor 15
- Floor 16
- Floor 17
- Floor 18
- Floor 19
- Floor 20
You have to start somewhere! Why not floor one? Munch 12 Dire Munchers.
Items Required:
- Dire Muncher Munched x12
- Dropped by Dire Muncher
- 1 Gold
- 1 Exp
Thanks to Amduscia.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!