- Karok Vs Kezeroth! - Plays when joining the map
«Scene: Kezeroth and Karok fight. Kezeroth lands a critical hit on Karok.»
Kezeroth: There is no being on Lore that is stronger than me.
Kezeroth: You were foolish to start this fight!
Karok: I have no desire to fight with you, Kezeroth!
«Karok fires a blue blast of energy at Kezeroth»
Karok: But if war is what you want, I will not hold back!
«Scene: Hero, Syrrus, and Abel hiding behind some pillars»
Hero: Dang! If they keep this up, there's not going to be anyone left for us to fight!
Syrrus: You know, that's actually not a bad idea.
Syrrus: If we take advantage of this situation…
Abel: …we could use one brother to defeat the other!
Syrrus: Exactly!
Hero: I like the way you guys think.
Hero: But which one should I aim for?
«Scene fades»
Next: Oh No! (1)