Inquisitor Captain

Location: Citadel
Level: 14
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 3,250
AI: Aggressive when passing through it.
- Slash: 72-86
- Stab: 72-86
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Captain's Insignia (Dropped during the 'Bad Captains' quest)
- Inquisitor Captain Notes (Dropped during the 'Studying for Life' quest)
- Inquisitor Contract (Dropped during the 'Inquisitor Inquiry' quest)
- Mana Amplifier (Dropped during the 'Magic Overload!' quest)
- Mana Vacuum (Dropped during the 'Murry's Hunch' quest)
- Tasty cakes (Dropped during the 'Thief of Hours' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Also see:

Thanks to boomboompowboyz, Nightly, orsus and UnownX.
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