Undead Legion Commander
You, Hero! I've come from the Carnival of Fortune, where the Wheels of Doom and Destiny wait to be spun. Dage the Evil, in his dark wisdom, has placed the Infernal Warrior armor and the helm into the Doom Merge shop.
The Carnival of Fortune is packing up and will move on to new lands August 23rd; the Infernal Warrior armor and helm will not be available after that.
/Join Wheel or look in your Game Menu to travel to the Carnival of Fortune! You'll find the Wheel of Destiny and the Wheel of Doom there. Once you have Fortune tickets just click to spin! You'll get a 1 hour XP Boost, a Fortune Potion, and 10,000 gold EVERY TIME… and sometimes you may get a very special EXTRA prize! Use the XP Boost and the Fortune Potions in the Merge Shops to get even MORE gear!
- Fortune Tickets
- Carnival of Fortune
- Infernal Blade
Location: Battleon

Thanks to Amduscia.
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