Icy Cache Merge

Location: Battle Under D
Note: Ice Ten and Dark Ice are Temporary drops.

Name Rank Price
Sword_Table.png A Blade too Cold to Hold membersmall.png N/A Ice Ten x2,
Dark Ice x10
Sword_Table.png Blade of Hail membersmall.png N/A Ice Ten x5
Sword_Table.png Ice Calibreaker membersmall.png Rank 2 ChronoSpan Perpetual Ice x3
Sword_Table.png Infinitum membersmall.png N/A Dark Ice x15
Gun_Table.png Frozen Thunder membersmall.png N/A Perpetual Ice x2,
Dark Ice x10
Staff_Table.png Frost Vortex Staff membersmall.png N/A Dark Ice x10,
Ice Ten x5,
Perpetual Ice x1
Staff_Table.png Spear of Hail membersmall.png N/A Perpetual Ice x1,
Ice Ten x10,
Dark Ice x30
Staff_Table.png Staff of Hail membersmall.png N/A Dark Ice x20,
Ice Ten x5

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