Icewind Pass
Dungeon-Level 0 to 65
Karok the Fallen and Kezeroth continue their quest for world domination! Together, these two coldhearted villains from the planet Glacera have destroyed millions of heroes and wrought destruction on much of the southern continent.
- Frostspawn Horror x1
- Frost Invader x8
- Frostspawn Symbiote x1
- Frostspawn Troll x8
- Glacial Elemental x3
- Polar Golem x2
Map Name: icewindpass
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join icewindpass
- Frostval 2016 - 'Go to Syrrus' button from Blizzy
- Frostvale - North of Screen 2
- Karok Vs Kezeroth!
- West of Screen 1
- 'Go to Syrrus' button from Blizzy
- Frostval Map
Thanks to Memine.
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