Ice Golem (1)

Level: 28
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 1,760
- Claw Attack: 52-64
- Ice Beam: 52-64
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Barrier Stone (Dropped during the 'Break the barrier' quest from Issik the Vile)
- Barrier Stone (Dropped during the 'Break the barrier' quest from Yorumi & Eienyuki)
- Frost Heart (Dropped during the 'Evil Free For All' and the 'Legion Free For All' quests)
- Frozen Heartstone (Dropped during the 'Frosty Hearts' quest)
- Frozen Heartstone (Dropped during the 'Recyclable!' quest)
- Ice golem Defeated (Dropped during the 'Icing the Golems - for Evil!' quest)
- Ice golem Defeated (Dropped during the 'Icing the Golems - for Good!' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Also see:

Thanks to cene and Rich Wind.
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