Ice Cave

Dungeon-Level 0 to 65
There must have been some evil magic in…. that old Trojan helm they found. For when they placed it on his head… he destroyed everything around!
- Frost Dragon (1) x1
- Frosty (Level 5) x1
- Frozen Moglin x4
- Ice Spider (Level 15) x4
- Polar Bear (Level 15) x2
- Snow Golem (Monster) (1) x2
- N/A
Map Name: icecave
Room Limit: 5
Access Points:
- /join icecave
- Frostvale
- Northeast of Screen 5
- 'Ice Cave' button from Robina
- 'Ice Cave' button from Robina & Blizzy
- Frostval Map
Thanks to cornfield10, Eldant, Gannot br, Mecha Mario, Memine, Superkeryu and Syudanco.
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