- Bright Chaos - Plays after completing the 'Precision Strike' quest
«Scene: Xing and Ogvar on Screen 13 of Bright Chaos»
Xing: Finally! The emancipation of XING!
Xing: I'm totally free! I can do WHATEVER I want, with NO ONE holding me back!
Xing: Malgor wanted an ally with Chaos. Drakath NEVER used his Chaos power or resources to wreak havoc.
Xing: Who needs the Chaos Amulet? Pffft. I'll show him what unrestrained Chaos can do.
Ogvar: We need to focus, Xing. Our time here is limited.
Xing: Huh? Why?
Ogvar: I had a counterpart here in the Mirror Realm.
Ogvar: I had to kill him in order to be here myself. Which means… I'm dying, too.
Xing: You KILLED him?
Ogvar: The cause required it. It was a sacrifice worth making.
Xing: I just tossed mine out of the portal. What is WRONG with you?
Ogvar: …
Xing: …
Xing: Right. We're gonna have to speed this up a bit.
«Scene fades»
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