Hyperium Starship
Dungeon-Level 99
The starship of the elusive bounty hunter, J6. WARNING: heavily protected by indestructible turrets. DO NO ENTER if you value your HP bar.
- Defense Turret (1) x2
- Invisible x10
Map Name: hyperium
Room Limit: 12
Access Points:
- J6's Secret Hideout Map - 525X, 275Y
- Banzai - North of Screen 1
- Zephyrus (Location)
- Through the portal on Screen 1
- West of Screen 32
- Sandsea Map (After finishing J6's Quiz)
- Defense Turret (1) - Aggressive when passing through it past the yellow line on the ground on Screen 3 before completing VR Mission Chapter 6: Grand Theft Locomotive.
- Invisible - Aggressive after defeating a Defense Turret before completing VR Mission Chapter 6: Grand Theft Locomotive.
- This is a locked zone.
- To unlock the armory you must click on the gauges in the following order: (click here)
- Must have completed J6's Quiz to access this location.
- Invisibles are hidden off screen on the right of Screen 3.
- Also see:
- Screen 1
- Screen 2
- Screen 3
- Screen 4
- Screen 5
- Screen 6
- Screen 7 (Elevator)
- Screen 8
- Screen 9 (VR Room)
- VR Mission Monitor
- Screen 10
Thanks to L0re, Shadow2792, The Magic Caster and Weena.
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