Hydra Head (1)

Location: Hydra Lake
Level: 11
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 2,450
AI: Aggressive when player attacks another Hydra Head first.
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Chaos Beast Trophy (Dropped during the '1st Chaos Beast' quest)
- Hydra Ambergris (Dropped during the 'A Scent to See Beyond' quest)
- Hydra Skull (Dropped during the 'SkullCrusher Challenge' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Blade Found! (Dropped during the 'Find the Blade!' quest)
- Champion Hydra Sword
- Chaoroot
- Cruel Hydra Blade
- Deadly Hydra Staff
- Hydra Armor
- Hydra Battle Helm
- Hydra Scale
- Hydra Spear
- Prisma Hair Helm
- Prisma Locks Helm
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Unimpressed Illness Locks
- Wizard's Hydra Staff
Note: Also see Hydra Head (2).

Thanks to SonicBoom, Viking_Jorun, xchoudhury and .Shadow//
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