Horatio's Quests
Quest Location: Nursery
Quests Begun From: Horatio
- Hear the Clatter
- Tidy Up
- Snackies
- Find the Progeny
- Houston, We Have A Pablum
- Rattle the Bones
- Boost Time
- Conduction Function
- Gross
- Time to Clean
- Find the Progeny (Again)
- Gleeble the Garble!
- One Final Task
The master's progeny has opened a bunch of doors downstairs and let a clatter of skeletal minions loose. Kill them, please. The Master will reanimate them at his convenience.
Items Required:
- Skeletal Minion Slain x10
- Dropped by Skeletal Minion (1) (Level 25)
- 150 Gold
- 150 Exp
Thanks to rruurruu77.
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